Toy Story is not only the best Disney film because it has the best story and the best animation, but also because of the excellent actors chosen to provide the voices of the animals. The casting was perfect from top to bottom, and the movie provides an excellent adventure story about friendship and loyalty that keeps you engrossed until the nail-biting climax.Tom Hanks and Tim Allen provided excellent voices for Woody and Buzz Lightyear -their performances alone are one of the biggest things that made this such a spectacular movie.
Besides that, though, you have the excellent story that is not only noteworthy because it has never really been told from this perspective before, but also because it was just told so well.
All of the characters in the film are very well developed and all have appropriate and effective actors chosen to provide their voices. And of course, who could forget the revolutionary animation! The computer animation used for this movie not only made it startlingly realistic but also opened up tons of possibilities, and thankfully the filmmakers chose to explore these possibilities. There are dozens of things that are hidden in the woodwork throughout the film, as well as in the songs – note, for example, the subtle playing of the Indiana Jones theme song in the scene where Woody knocks Buzz out the window with the desk lamp.Toy Story is by far the best Disney film ever made, its pretty much perfect.
Its adventurous, its exciting, its entertaining, its good for the whole family, its got great characters, story, and plot, and above all, its fun.
比赛那天,我戴上鲜艳的红领巾来到了现场。妈妈和老师就坐在我旁边给我加油助威。参赛的小朋友一个个上台 ,精彩的表演让我羡慕又紧张。终于叫到我的名字了,我的心一下提到了嗓子眼,但转头一看到妈妈那鼓励的眼神,我的.心就放下了,扯了扯胸前的红领巾,快步迈上讲台开始我的故事演讲。一讲完,我就急忙向妈妈询问刚才的表现。妈妈笑着说:“不错不错,讲的很有感情,肢体动作也丰富,就是声音太轻了。第一次还是有点紧张吧,再自信一点,自然一点就会更好。”听完,我不由的垂头丧气起来,心想这次肯定是拿不到奖了,白忙了。
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