

首页大全更新时间:2023-09-17 19:06:14


"Love" in the history of English literature is handed down as a classic, it has successfully shaped the history of English literature first on love, life, society and religion, have taken a stand on one's own initiative and dare to struggle, dare to fight for free and equal status of women.

Almost all women love foreign literature, like D Charlotte's "in love".If we think that Charlotte is only just to write this section of tangled up love to write "love".I think, sorry, that's not correct.The author also is a female, living in turbulent England in the middle of the nineteenth Century, when the thoughts have a brand new start.And in "Jane love" in infiltration is the largest such thoughts -- women's sense of independence.Let us imagine, if Jane love independent, has been killed in his childhood; if she did not share the independent, she already and wife Rochester to live together, began to have money, a new life; if she is not that the purity, we are now in the hands of "Jane love" is no longer a touching tears classic.So, I began to think, why "Jane love" let us be moved, fondle admiringly -- she is independent personality, beckoning personality charm.

However, we can't help wanting to ask, only this step can be independent?I think I won't.After all, women's independence is a long-term process, not accomplish at one stroke.It needs a thorough courage, love was like Jane decided to leave Rochester, need "wind rustling Xi the Yi River is so cold, strong earth to did not return" heroic and courage.I think, this should be the most crucial one step, also should be the decisive step towards independence.And Charlotte's Jane love but her stubborn disposition, independent personality left us a moved.So she is successful, happy women.

Jane love has as an independent women's classic, I hope the sun, the flowers more Jane love out, whether poor or rich,; whether beauty, or homely, have good heart and enrich the mind, can the independent personality and a strong sexual life.









迷惑在进行,反抗在进行,寻找也在进行,在里德夫人和约翰的欺凌下,简终于走进了教会学堂。但伤痛是存在的,有许多本质的东西,有许多隐藏在生活潜流下的痛感仍需要面对。生活的困境,好友的离去,还有来自勃洛克赫斯特先生当众的痛斥都让她在迷惑的生活中感觉空气的污浊和心的疼痛。 生活总算是有了进展,上帝也发了些许的慈悲,在教会学堂两年的教师生活对于简或许是平静的死水一般。然而在不是欢快,沉静的生活中,却渗透着她强烈的孤独感和恐惧感,她需要的是在现实生活的困惑中去游离和奔波,获得自由,欢快和爱情。 她唯一忘记的是那令她害怕的盖次海德府,她对它如此的恐惧。


钱是没有的,爱是没有的,而生活却是现实的,沿街的乞讨让简仍在寻找善良和真情。在风雨中,与圣约翰的相逢则是她新生活的又一个开始。在和玛利,黛安娜共同生活的那段时间内,她深切的感受到了爱的温暖。当她知道她们又是一个血统时,她的心兴奋的几乎要跳出来,在圣约翰那不知是否能称得上爱的面前,简每天都希望能满足他的期望,但是这样,她感觉自己抛掉了天性,失去了自我。在继承叔叔的遗产去平分时,她是那样的果断和坚定,而在此刻,圣约翰的企求下 ,她开始了徘徊,因为她自己知道她对罗切斯特先生的思念一刻也没有停止过。对生活追求的信念在简看来不是阳光所能驱散的雾气;也不是画在沙滩上的人像能被暴风雨所冲掉;它是一个刻在大理石碑上的名字,注定要和石碑同生共死。圣约翰先生的期望在继续,叛逆的简在亲情,恩情和爱情中犹豫和思考。她深切的知道他爱她就像士兵爱一件好武器,仅此而已。简的灵魂在心里回答,去做一件正确的事,完成上帝的旨意,以冲出怀疑的云雾,找到确定的广阔天空。


光阴是短暂的,又是美好的,已逝的岁月里简和心爱的人共同面对生活中的一切,她们也彻底的成为了彼此的骨中骨,肉中肉。故事结束了,而真实的,毫不含糊的现实生活却在你我的心中演绎。征程的坎坷,旅途的疲惫,生活的曲折,拼搏的寂寞萦绕在心头,而怀抱里的各种志愿却在风雨中愈发的不可动摇。面对阳光,面对风雨,你是否如此地坦然;面对理想,面对希望,你是否执着地追求! 在简平凡而又曲折的生活中,她时刻放飞着美丽的梦想,为幸福而追求,为平凡而找寻。她别样的精神价值在新的时代里赋予了青年们幸福与快乐的真谛。——在深深树林中的一座古老建筑里有一对白发苍苍的老人感受着上帝的恩赐和彼此的温暖,或许这就是生活的幸福。






Jane Eyre is a young orphan being raised by Mrs. Reed, her cruel, wealthy aunt. A servant named Bessie provides Jane with some of the few kindnesses she receives, telling her stories and singing songs to her. One day, as punishment for fighting with her bullying cousin John Reed, Jane’s aunt imprisons Jane in the red-room, the room in which Jane’s Uncle Reed died. While locked in, Jane, believing that she sees her uncle’s ghost, screams and faints. She wakes to find herself in the care of Bessie and the kindly apothecary Mr. Lloyd, who suggests to Mrs. Reed that Jane be sent away to school. To Jane’s delight, Mrs. Reed concurs.

Once at the Lowood School, Jane finds that her life is far from idyllic. The school’s headmaster is Mr. Brocklehurst, a cruel, hypocritical, and abusive man. Brocklehurst preaches a doctrine of poverty and privation to his students while using the school’s funds to provide a wealthy and opulent lifestyle for his own family. At Lowood, Jane befriends a young girl named Helen Burns, whose strong, martyrlike attitude toward the school’s miseries is both helpful and displeasing to Jane. A massive typhus epidemic sweeps Lowood, and Helen dies of consumption. The epidemic also results in the departure of Mr. Brocklehurst by attracting attention to the insalubrious conditions at Lowood. After a group of more sympathetic gentlemen takes Brocklehurst’s place, Jane’s life improves dramatically. She spends eight more years at Lowood, six as a student and two as a teacher.

After teaching for two years, Jane yearns for new experiences. She accepts a governess position at a manor called Thornfield, where she teaches a lively French girl named Adèle. The distinguished housekeeper Mrs. Fairfax presides over the estate. Jane’s employer at Thornfield is a dark, impassioned man named Rochester, with whom Jane finds herself falling secretly in love. She saves Rochester from a fire one night, which he claims was started by a drunken servant named Grace Poole. But because Grace Poole continues to work at Thornfield, Jane concludes that she has not been told the entire story. Jane sinks into despondency when Rochester brings home a beautiful but vicious woman named Blanche Ingram. Jane expects Rochester to propose to Blanche. But Rochester instead proposes to Jane, who accepts almost disbelievingly.

The wedding day arrives, and as Jane and Mr. Rochester prepare to exchange their vows, the voice of Mr. Mason cries out that Rochester already has a wife. Mason introduces himself as the brother of that wife—a woman named Bertha. Mr. Mason testifies that Bertha, whom Rochester married when he was a young man in Jamaica, is still alive. Rochester does not deny Mason’s claims, but he explains that Bertha has gone mad. He takes the wedding party back to Thornfield, where they witness the insane Bertha Mason scurrying around on all fours and growling like an animal. Rochester keeps Bertha hidden on the third story of Thornfield and pays Grace Poole to keep his wife under control. Bertha was the real cause of the mysterious fire earlier in the story. Knowing that it is impossible for her to be with Rochester, Jane flees Thornfield.

Penniless and hungry, Jane is forced to sleep outdoors and beg for food. At last, three siblings who live in a manor alternatively called Marsh End and Moor House take her in. Their names are Mary, Diana, and St. John (pronounced “Sinjin”) Rivers, and Jane quickly becomes friends with them. St. John is a clergyman, and he finds Jane a job teaching at a charity school in Morton. He surprises her one day by declaring that her uncle, John Eyre, has died and left her a large fortune: 20,000 pounds. When Jane asks how he received this news, he shocks her further by declaring that her uncle was also his uncle: Jane and the Riverses are cousins. Jane immediately decides to share her inheritance equally with her three newfound relatives.

St. John decides to travel to India as a missionary, and he urges Jane to accompany him—as his wife. Jane agrees to go to India but refuses to marry her cousin because she does not love him. St. John pressures her to reconsider, and she nearly gives in. However, she realizes that she cannot abandon forever the man she truly loves when one night she hears Rochester’s voice calling her name over the moors. Jane immediately hurries back to Thornfield and finds that it has been burned to the ground by Bertha Mason, who lost her life in the fire. Rochester saved the servants but lost his eyesight and one of his hands. Jane travels on to Rochester’s new residence, Ferndean, where he lives with two servants named John and Mary.

At Ferndean, Rochester and Jane rebuild their relationship and soon marry. At the end of her story, Jane writes that she has been married for ten blissful years and that she and Rochester enjoy perfect equality in their life together. She says that after two years of blindness, Rochester regained sight in one eye and was able to behold their first son at his birth.



Through her works, my favorite one is Xiamuyourenzhang.


The comic book mainly talks about that the hero Xiamuguizhi has a special ability to see the bogies. He is unsociable because his parents are dead. And he often lives in his relatives' home when he is a little boy and his friends at his age always tease him because he has a special ability. Although he experiences many unfortunate things, he is still very kind and without complaint at anyone. Eventually he is adopted by a couple who is very friendly and let him go to high school. One day, He is pursued by a bogie and hid in a shrine. He breaks a powerful bogie‘s seal whose name is Ban. And that involves her grandmother Xiamulingzi’s relics--a contract that sigh with the bogies. Since then, this powerful bogie turns itself into a cat in daily life to stay with Xiamu to protect him with the condition that Xiamu should give the contract to it after he die. But before that Xiamu decides to try his best to give the name in the contracts to the bogies and let them get free. Thus, a loving, touching, scary story is opened up.


In addition, yuki midorikawa has another special work called Yinghuozhisen is also really moving ,sad and beautiful. I suggest that you all can watch it when you have free time.



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