

首页大全更新时间:2023-04-11 22:17:01


The movie《The Pursuit of Happiness》is a story about that a father never give up and succeed in the end.

In the movie the father told his son that if you have a dream you should protect it and never give it up. It impressed me a lot. No matter how hard the life was, the father never leave his son, his family or his brief behind. Even they had to spend the night by living in the park or a public toilet.

The movie taught me a lot about the sprit of never give up and insist. After watching it,I learned that catch every chance what I meet and be active to the life. And I also learn that one has to strongly believe in himself, no matter how difficult the situation is, but of course, hard-working is indispensable. “Think, tough life experiences, always make a great person!”


Dear Mrs. Nelson,

My name is Rick Schultz. I don’t know if you remember me, but I was in your English class at Westview High School in 20xx. I used to argue with you about the merits of science fiction as a form of literature. Recently I met several other former students of yours, Gerald Bryant, Ron Brown, Dawn Smith, and Dave Lee. Naturally we spent much of the time we were together talking about your class and how much we enjoyed it. So I decided to write you and find out how you are doing.

As I said, we all remember your class with great fondness. If you are still teaching, I hope your current students appreciate how fortunate they are.

Sincerely yours,

Rick Schultz



Dear Mr.Huang,

We have never seen for one year, I miss you very much.It is say that you did an operation in September.How are you now? I hope that you have recovered.

Thank you for your enlightening in the important time of my life.I won't forget your edification. Iam in the XX University now.It locate in the beautiful city Hangzhou. I invite you to have a journey to Hangzhou next summer if you have time then.My major is English,but I always feel shamed to speak and show in English in the class.I would change the actuality gradually.Now I like sports very much especially basketball.You would see a healthy and stronge David next time.The life in the university is colorful.I like it.And I shall study hard.

The new year is on the way, I pray the God to bless you to be happy and healthy in the coming year.And give my best regards to your families. Happy New Year!

Yours faithfully, David

28th Dec


从 前,一个农夫养了一头驴。这头驴为他辛勤劳作已经有许多年了,但无情的岁月加上多年的劳作,使他现在衰老了,干活一天不如一天,越来越难以胜任以前的工作 了。因此,他的主人不想再留着他,准备将他***掉。可是,驴子却看出了主人的心意,于是悄悄地跑了出去,一路向城里行进。









“唉!”公鸡回答道, “我现在是说今天是个好天气,正好是洗衣日,我的女主人和厨师不仅不感谢我这番苦心,还准备明天把我***了,给星期天来的客人煨鸡汤喝。”



然而,城里不是一天能走到的,所以当天黑下来时,他们只好走进一片树林去安歇。驴子和狗睡在了一棵大树下,猫爬上树睡在树杈上,而公鸡则认为待的地方 越高越安全,因此他飞到了树顶上,他还有一个习惯,就是在睡觉前要看看周围的每个东西是不是有什么不对劲。他挺直脖子一看,发现远处有光线射过来,马上对 他的同伴们叫喊道:“不远的地方一定有一所房子,因为我看到了灯光。”









接着,他们一起商量怎样才能把强盗赶走。最后,他们想出一个办法:驴子后腿站立、前腿搭到窗台上,狗站在驴的背上,猫又爬在狗的背上,而公鸡则飞起来坐在 猫的头上。他们站好后,约定了一个信号,然后一齐鸣叫起来。驴子哇呜哇呜地吼叫,狗汪汪狂地吠,猫呜呜呜地叫喊,公鸡尖声啼鸣。他们又同时打破窗户,翻进 了房间里。玻璃的碎裂声,可怕的喧闹声,把强盗们完全吓坏了,惊慌失措中,以为是可怕的妖怪找上了他们,拼命地逃了出去。

一切归于平静后,这几个闯荡江湖的不速之客坐了下来,匆匆吃起了强盗们留下的食物,那狼吞虎咽的样子就像他们已经一个月没吃东西似的。他们吃饱之后, 把灯灭了,各自依自己的习惯找到了休息的地方,驴子躺在院子里的一堆草上,狗趴在门后面的一个垫子上,猫蜷曲在仍有炉灰余热的壁炉前,公鸡栖息在房顶的屋 梁上。他们走了这许多路,已相当困倦,不久就睡着了。

到了半夜,强盗们从远处看见房子没了灯光,一切都显得很安静,想到自己在惊慌中是否逃得太匆忙了。其中一个胆子大一些的强盗准备去看看。当他走进厨房 时,没有发现异案情况,便摸索着找到了一盒火柴想把蜡烛点燃。偶然看见了猫那双闪烁着火焰般的亮光的眼睛,他误认为是没有熄灭的炉中炭火,便将火柴凑上前 去想点燃它。

但猫却不懂得开玩笑,起身猛地向强盗的脸上扑去,又是啐又是抓。那强盗吓了一大跳,急忙撤腿就往门外跑。可到门口却被那条狗扑上来在腿上咬了一口,穿过院 子时驴子又踢了他一脚。公鸡此时被吵闹声惊醒了,拼命地叫了起来,那强盗被唬得连滚带爬地跑回了树林中同伴的藏身处,心有余悸地对强盗头子说:“多恐怖 啊,一个可怕的巫婆待在屋子里,她向我的脸上吐唾沫,又用那长长的,瘦骨伶伶的爪子抓我的脸;门后面藏着一个人,手里拿着一把刀,一下子刺在了我的腿上; 院子里站着一个黑色的怪物,他拿着一根大棒向我乱打;房屋的顶梁上还坐了一个恶魔,他大喊道:‘把那个恶棍扔到这儿来!’”



Dear Mr Pan:

It has been a long time since I wrote the last letter. Nowdays, people write letters less and less, instead, they make a call or send a SMS. However, it is still a good way for us to communicate with each other by sending a letter.

It's my honour to get the chance to write to you. "Approachable" is my first impression of you, because you always keeps smiling. Students may fear the teachers that are serious both in and out of class. Smile makes a teacher popular with his students, you are a teacher of this very kind.

You always arrive at the classroom ahead of any of the students, from which we could imply that you are a diligent man with regular habit. Before the class, you like to talk to us, at this very time, you are more a friend than a teacher. To be honest, I was surprised in the first class when I learned a teacher at your age could speak English in such a fluent way.(I didn't mean you are old, you're young at heart. Moreover, you know well how to keep your class attractive. You've got such an active mind that you can keep talking during the whole class without a pause. I always appreciated your ideas and enjoyed listening to you. In your class, I learned not only the writing skills but also the presentation skills as well as much knowledge of other areas. Thanks for your excellent teaching.

I've got some suggestions for you. It seems that we students have got few chances to participate in discussion during the class time. Most of the time, we are listening. Seldom did we express our own ideas. I suggest that teachers should interact with students more frequently in the class. Besides, I'd like to practice writing more, so would you please leave us more assignments?

Happy new year.

With every good wish.

Yours sincerely

Dali Wang



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