Dear Xiaoming,
I’m so excited about my trip to xining. Now i am writing to ask you for help. Can you answer my questions? Thanks!
First, what is the weather like in your city? Does it snow a lot in winter? I need to have the right kinds of clothes and shoes. Next, what kind of food do you ususally have in your family? Finally, what festival do you have during my stay in xining? I will arrive on dec. 28 and leave on feb. 26. I hope there are more interesting things to do together with your family.
Looking forward to hearing from you.
Dear Petty,
I am happy to receive your letter and I am glad to hear that you have good days recently. I hope you can keep your happiness all the time. But I am not happy these days, because I feel great pressures. Two weeks ago, I caught a cold and then had a fever. I could do nothing in those days. Therefore, I asked for leave for four days to stay at home. I came back to school until the midterm examination.
I was not surprised that I did not do well in the exam. It makes me unhappy. I worked so hard to prepare for it. My parents comfort me that I would be better if I had not been ill. I hope I can recover soon. And I hope you can take good care of yourself.
sincerely yours.
水——我们的朋友 平达曾说过:“自然界的一切事物中,唯有水最珍贵。”是啊,水是我们的朋友,没有了水,就没有了我们。让我们一起与水做个好朋友吧! 水看见人们不节约用水,伤心地说:我对人类的所作所为感到不满,我为人类做了那么多的贡献,可人类总是滥用我。这样既会导致水源的'流失,又会严重影响生态环境。 在生活中,处处都要用到水。洗菜要用水,洗车要用水,洗澡要用水??,这往往会浪费很多水。其实,请把水龙头开小一点,把废水再次利用,这样我们就能与水做好朋友了。比如:洗菜水可以浇花;洗澡水可以冲马桶??这样,不仅能节约用水,还对别的事物有好处呢! 如果水能这
样一滴一滴的节约起来,虽然不是太多,但是全世界人民都这样做,怎么会没有水呢? 人们可知道,世界上有许多地方水都很少,有些人,因为喝不上水,而死去,他们说:“请他们喝酒,不如请他们喝水。”下雨天,曾是他们最快乐的日子,他们可以用雨水洗澡,还能接水,以后用。他们把水当做奇珍异宝, 每次喝水都要去很远的井里去挑,那井里的水比黄河水还浑浊,比海水还难喝。由此可见,他们是多么爱水啊!如果我们能节约用水,他们的生
活难道会这样吗? 不节约用水,不但会导致水源的流失,还会影响生态环境。 有些工厂既不节约用水,还排放污水放到河流中,这样,水不仅流失了,还会影响生态环境。
Dear X:
We have not seen each other for a long time. I miss (think of you very much. I wish (that I had wings and could fly to your home. However, this is impossible!
Father (My father has gone abroad of late. If I had had time then, I would have accompanied him. Only Mother (my mother and I are at home now (at present. We are leading (living a quiet and happy life. We look as if we were fairies. I hope (that I can hear from you very often.
Dear carefully:
Ha-ha. Baby received my letter you surprised? Looks like this is the first time I write to you, I think even a decent love letters and didn't give you written! So I want to make it up to you again.
You said you wanted someone to send you a box of snacks, so when you see this letter, you will have a pleasant surprise, that is I send you a box of snacks!
In fact, I know that sometimes I do not good enough, but sometimes I still heart, you feel?
This letter is in English, I estimate that you cannot read, find someone to help you bring.
A man or a woman, please you help him translation, must laugh oh!
Love your white!
Dear Petty,
I am happy to receive your letter and I am glad to hear that you have good days recently. I hope you can keep your happiness all the time. But I am not happy these days, because I feel great pressures. Two weeks ago, I caught a cold and then had a fever. I could do nothing in those days. Therefore, I asked for leave for four days to stay at home. I came back to school until the midterm examination. I was not surprised that I did not do well in the exam. It makes me unhappy. I worked so hard to prepare for it. My parents comfort me that I would be better if I had not been ill. I hope I can recover soon. And I hope you can take good care of yourself.
sincerely yours,
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