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This "celebrity biography" is about the tribulations and difficulties of the three famous men on the road to fame, from the power of persistence to the disintegration of power even to despair. They abandoned a lot of love and friendship on the way to fame. Finally, they set foot on the road to success.

The first is a belief that, suffering from pain, still does not put down music -- Beethoven. Although he was deaf, he said proudly, "listen to my heart music, you don't understand how I feel! A band can only play music that I expect to write in a minute!" Yeah! His music set of classicism is the beginning of romanticism, and its creation reflects the progressive thoughts of the rising period of the bourgeoisie.

Then a tragic, still sculptural belief - Michelangelo. His pain came from human malice. He was born to fight, to conquer! It is precisely because of this that his artistic creation has been deeply influenced, often with the realism of the civil class at the time of the patriotism and freedom of the struggle of the spirit of the painting. This kind of cup is presented in grand and magnificent form, and his hero is both an ideal symbol and a reflection of reality.

The last is a mirror that Lenin once called "the Russian revolution." Looking around Tolstoy's life, he was not only a literary giant, but also the narrative of life, religion, and society that made him a world-leading thinker. Tolstoy never laid down his obsession with the meaning of life.


自李唐来世人甚爱牡丹,予独爱莲之出淤泥而不染,濯清涟而不妖 。唐朝周敦颐只爱莲花,晋代陶渊明喜爱菊花才有了 采菊东篱下,幽然见南山 之说。但我一个普普通通女孩却只赞美松柏。也许有人会问:



他们是中华民族的保护者,是人民的子弟兵,是千万青少年的榜样。他们无论春夏秋冬,严寒酷暑都监守自己的岗位。他们抱着 牺牲我一个,幸福千万家 的理想在祖国的边疆守卫着我们伟大的祖国。他们是我们的勇士,是我们的好兄弟。每当逢年过节时,他们在严守岗位生怕有图谋不轨的敌人闯进来。




Opening the biography of the famous, in the first introduction, there is a saying: "the air around us is heavy. The old man's Europa is unconscious in a climate of turbidity and corruption, and the vulgar materialism represses ideas, hindering the actions of F and individuals. Society dies in a perverse, self-serving selfishness, and mankind breathes and breathes. Open the window! Let the free air come back! Breath the breath of heroes."

Obviously, romain rolland would calibrate the time warp with heroism. For romain rolland, the true hero, the true greatness is pain and solitude, the struggle of the self with the invisible. In the same quote he also said, "I am not a hero who is a man of thought or power, but a man of great heart." He is a soul, captured the hero is pain to overcome hardships as a shiny scale to measure the hero, and his celebrity biography is revealed three suffering hero's mind in human history biography. They were the great German musicians of the 9th century, Beethoven, the famous Italian sculptor Michelangelo and the Russian literary giant Leo Tolstoy.

He wrote at the end of the Beethoven revolution: "an unhappy man, poor, crippled, lonely, a man of pain, the world does not give him pleasure, but he creates joy to give to the world; He USES his suffering as a joy, as he tells it with his words, the motto of all the brave souls: "joy in pain." "Indeed," for joy with pain "romain rolland tracking of Beethoven's life view of fate, the words make up the" Beethoven turn "internal tension and fascinating ideological appeal.

What supports Beethoven is the quality that does not bow to the imperial power, is not the determination that is bought by money, it is the courage to strangle destiny's throat! It is with these extraordinary mental powers that Beethoven has reached the most sober grasp of life, over the myriad of life's perilous peaks.

This is the eternal spirit that Roman Roland left us in the biography of the famous!


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