

首页大全更新时间:2023-04-04 02:49:50



My deskmate Shen Yubo, fat, chubby face, big burly, especially like playing games.


Remember one day in the nature class, I was absorbed in listening to the teacher. Suddenly, a ball from my eyes flew past, I take a closer look, it is Shen Yubo to his good friend Song Zhangbin in passing notes. When the note came from Song Zhangbin, I stole a look. They were talking on paper.


I think: stop them! So, I like Shen Yubo to note the past, the paper wanted to hide, they havent found. "Hello, Lao song, came to your paper?" Shen Yu said to Song Zhangbin quietly. "Here it is."". Song Zhangbin says.


Just when they were wondering, the bell rang. When the teacher left, Shen Yubo shouted, "liberation!"!" Then ask several male students, like a wasp like rushed out of the classroom. I saw Shen Yubo hands to do the shooting action, at others, just listen to "bang" sound, a male classmate "Ouch!" sound fell on the ground. Well, theyre playing live computer games again! I looked at them and shook my head helplessly.


This is my deskmate -- a fat man who enjoys playing computer games.



My deskmate called Jiang Junyang, is the monitor of our class, and math head she had a pair of big eyes, thick black eyebrows and a little mouth. What impressed me most, however, was her professionalism as a monitor and a math team leader.


Remember, once our class classmate violated discipline, before class run around, and loud noise, she discipline discipline students, they said: "&ldquo, you can manage?" When the monitor is not bragging ” I feel anxious at the side, to help her to help out “ ”, to my surprise, my deskmate doesnt seem very anxious, she calmly told the students said: “ I am the monitor, is to you only elected, I am better than you high level, if not convinced, when you try on the monitor! ”


Another time, a students math homework is done bad, want to muddle through, but because of the ancient mathematics leader?? Yaoyin responsible, his work was discovered. She said to the student, "&ldquo, your homework is sloppy. Please do it again.". ” unexpectedly, the student said, "“ Oh, dont be so stingy, the teacher wont scold you anyway.". &rdquo: she told the student very seriously, "&rdquo, homework is not something to deal with. Its a good way to review after class. You dont have the right attitude towards homework. I cant accept this assignment."! ” the students should be “ meditation like ” then, like as if wakening from a dream to stand up, red face quickly went out of the classroom;


This is our monitor.


My deskmate is Xu Qiong,not how beautiful.There is a mole on the face,wearing a long pigtail.She loves to play rock paper scissors,also love to buy something to eat.Her maths homework quickly,usually a few before the class.But she was always do wrong,sometimes she again and again to correct or wrong,finally.No way she had to turn to me for help,I began to carefully taught her.With my help finally done.Then she excited in the seat,as if in the heart cry:" I do!"

Although she doesnt study how,but I quite admire her.I learned a lot from her,she will find a lot of small games,let us enjoy the play; she finished her homework very quickly.

This is my classmate,I very love my deskmate.





Take your time

For thousands of years, animals have trodden a slow path, their spirits together with the body. But our human being's transportation is too fast. The body moves but the soul is left behind. We try to free ourselves in convenience, but we only imprison the soul. Since we invented how to count hours, we do everything to short the time, short the deadline. But the time saved can't be shorten. Nowadays, we spend lots of time staying in front of a TV just changing the channels, while we have no time to talk with a good friend or play with our family. We have plenty of time to search old news on the internet, while we hardly think about our life. In the end, the only thing apparent is our loneliness.

Take your time, please. Try to follow the natural steps and have your own clock. Try to share your time with everybody you love, share your mind, your happiness and sadness. Try to read the world we live in, do not only catch a quick glimpse at the society.Someday, when we know how to spend every second in our life, we can then live our own life.



Let me introduce my deskmate now! My deskmate has long eyes, small mouth and curved eyebrows. He likes to wear sky blue. His eyes are bright, once I used his pen, did not tell him, he saw. Its a real eye opener!!


Sometimes when Im just a little over the line, hell hit me. Ive hit him once. When class is over, well have class,


This is my deskmate. He has a golden eye


我的同桌是一个有时很活波有时很沉默的女孩, 她有着一双灵动的眼睛,乌黑亮丽的秀发,每天梳着马尾辫,整个看起来是很潇洒很帅的。

My deskmate is a sometimes very lively, sometimes very quiet girl, she has a pair of smart eyes, dark beautiful hair, every day with a ponytail, the whole looks very smart, very handsome.

她的成绩不错,但是比起我来嘛,嘿嘿,还是差了一点点,我希望我可以帮助她把成绩提升上来, 尤其是英语,现在我和她的英语成绩都很差,我现在是堪堪及格,她是不及格。我常常教她读英语课文,因为她有很多单词不会读,所以我们俩个一起读英语课文,每次读的时候我都刻意的放慢了速度,怕她觉的自己不会读而自卑。

Her grades are good, but to me, hey, just a little bit, I hope I can help her grades up, especially English, now I and her English is very poor, I am now Campbell failed, she is failing. I used to teach her to read the English text, because she has not read a lot of words, so the two of us together to read the English text, each time I have deliberately slowed down, afraid she cant read and feel inferior.


I like reading books, drawing pictures, singing songs, writing novels, and she is like me. We have the same interest. Just started doing table with her, watching her painting, I feel ashamed, because of her paintings than I painted too much too much, but when I focus on painting, my painting technique can comparable to her.


In short, in a word, my deskmate and I have a lot of similarities and the same interests and hobbies, I very love my deskmate, we will become a friend of.


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