on the summer holiday plan作文

on the summer holiday plan作文

首页大全更新时间:2023-11-02 02:31:46
on the summer holiday plan作文

on the summer holiday plan作文【一】

the same summer holidays pass year after year,year after year, we regret when they come to an end. we regret having wasted so time on recreations, instead of our lessons,regret having worn away our 8tth in trifles.

although it was still the case this summer, i dare say this was the most fruitful holiday i had ever spent. yes, the summer holiday i enjoyed most is this year's.

at the very beginning of the holiday, our head teacher instructed us to make the most of the summer coming up,then turn ourselves into bookworms. i took heart on hearing it,at once mapped out a long list of hundreds of tasks i was going to perform. i was even in higher spirits in the first days of the summer, dreaming that i stuck to the whole schedule became a super girl the next semester. but my ambition didn't stand the test of time. it was a few days later that my attention was continually attracted by the internet, novels,shopping malls. time flew surprisingly fast. when the vacation was already over, i realized in astonishment despair that i had acted on a half of my plan.

however, i am now consoling myself with the thought that it is human nature to have a rest after a long term's study; hence it is not realistic to keep working hard, even though the horrible senior 3 was around the corner. therefore, i am satisfied. i am satisfied with my daily routine in which i spent an average 9 hours in sleeping, 2 hours in eating, 2 hours in surfing the internet, 6 hours in doing some trivial things which i couldn't even remember,the other 5 hours in studying. after all, i have done my possible. what is more, i did have a precious pause between the intense school days,seized the last chance to relax in my senior life. so, this was a holiday combined with rest work, wasn't it?

on the summer holiday plan作文【二】









on the summer holiday plan作文【三】


身为医生,救人本来就是分内事,其实怎么样才算是一个好医生??医生只是救人这么简单??小时候觉得做医生很伟大,既可以救人性命,又可以治好人们的创伤,但是现在感觉做了医生才发现,有时候医生可以做的事情实在太少了。一个病人的病不但影响自己,还会影响自己的亲人的情绪,所以一个好医生应该是把病人的病治好,并且尽力治好病人的“附属品”,从而治好他们的精神创伤。当然医生是人,不是神,尽力而为就好,职业道德很重要,就像一件头和鱼仔他们,把病人的利益一直放在首位,而他们不怕自己吃亏,一切都为了病人着想,他们的精神值得我学习。 健康的人不一定生活得开心,有病的人,只要积极乐观点,一样可以很快乐。医生没有贵贱之分,无论是看神经外科还是普通门诊,只要都是为了病人的 利益着想,并努力付出自己,对于我来说都是好医生。


当然,每一部剧都不会少了爱情,因为没有爱情的连续剧是不会有味道的,人都是有感情的动物,爱情的存在使得观众更容易流露出感情。其实我觉得爱情就是水和泥土的化学反应,不同的水和不同的泥土之间有着不同的化学反应,单相思就像水穿过岩石,水还是水,岩石还是岩石,总是很花时间,却没有任何效果,如果化学反应非常强烈,那么可能形成非常稳定的婚姻,就像混泥土一样,一块泥土如果容纳太多的水,那是滥情,在感情上会造成婚姻的崩溃,变成一滩稀烂的泥土。on call 里面很多人都很好,最后都成pair 成 pair的,幸福的局面吖。当真正爱一个人投入一段感情时,便会千方百计想让对方快乐。一件头鱼仔:结婚誓词如果只是循例念出来是没有意义的,必须实践出来。年轻时漂亮健康,当然爱。但当对方年纪渐大,又老又有皱纹,病痛越来越多,甚至眼看对方老死,难道就不爱了吗,既然将来不会离弃对方...没人知道生命的`长短,即使我们是医生,也不能保证自己长命百岁,所以结婚誓词没说要保证白头偕老,却要保证无论健康疾病都要在一起,范子妤,我在问你一次,无论健康疾病,我愿意和我不离不弃,终生不渝吗?”他们都很为对方着想,不用时间经营也能keep住关系,不愧是一个很大的看点;美雪是一个好胜,嚣张的女人,只有强大的男人炳灿才能把她hold住。至于洋葱也是一个好男人,从贪玩到成熟,他变了很多;一健虽然残,但不是废,积极乐观的精神值得学习。互相谅解和包容是婚姻的秘密,也是幸福的秘密。女人的幸福在于:他真的爱我;男人的幸福在于:她值得我爱。




on the summer holiday plan作文【四】

One day a crow stood on a branch near his nest and felt very happy with the meat in his mouth. At that time, a fox saw the crow with the meat, so he swallowed and eagerly thought of a plan to get the meat. However, whatever the fox said to the crow, the crow just kept silent. Until the fox thought highly of the crow's beautiful voice, the crow felt flattered and opened his mouth to sing. As soon as the meat fell down to the ground, the fox took the meat and went into his hole.


on the summer holiday plan作文【五】


James Barney Jr, spoke calmly and eloquently about his ordeal from hospital, where he was tucked up in bed with a teddy bear by his side. He was covered in some 30 teeth marks, doctors said.


The little boy described how it was a hot day so he had parked his bike and jumped into Lake Tohopekaliga - a lake that people are forbidden to swim in - when he felt something brush against his leg.


'It really amazed me what happened. At first, I thought someone was just playing with me, and I didn't know what happened,' he told ABC.


'I reached down to grab it, and I felt its jaw, I felt its teeth, and I didn't know what to do, so I immediately reacted and hit it a couple times. And I had enough strength to pry its jaw open.' The child pulled the powerful jaws open long enough to slide out and swim to shore.


Witnesses say the boy surfaced, screaming that he'd been bitten by an alligator. They immediately called 911.



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