

首页大全更新时间:2023-03-22 20:45:54


When you look back on yourself in the past – 10, 20, 30 or more years ago – it’s surprising to see how much you have changed over time. Your experiences, your friends, your family and your work have all shaped who you are right now. But where will you be in another few years? How will you have changed? Reflective writing in your journal is an excellent way to think about what you want out of the future.


You may have already written a letter to your younger self before, conveying all the wisdom and perspective you wish you had had at the time. Now consider the opposite end of the spectrum; what would you say if you wrote your future self a letter?


Just imagine writing a letter to your future self 5 years from now, then opening it at that exact moment 5 years down the road to see how much of it resonated with you. It is a useful supplementary tool to be used in goal achievement, because when you write the letter to your future self, it helps crystallize exactly how you anticipate yourself to become at that specific moment down the road.


As you read the letter in the future, you can assess how many things match up (or not vs. your expectations in the past and think about why that’s the case. Often times, the goals we set and our goal achievement process are subjected to a lot of changes along the way, due to varying obstacles, unanticipated circumstances and changing priorities. The letter gives you a macro-view of your initial vision and lets you recognize how your current vision differs from the past.


When you open the letter in the future, you as your future self gets to compare how you used to be in the past and compare with how you are currently. This lets you see in totality how much things have changed since then – and this can be a really intriguingexperience. It’s interesting to just see how much you have grown/changed since you wrote the letter.




我猜你大概说的就是我了,不过不管是不是这些话早就该说了,我道歉,对不起。这段时间的装傻也累了,很多东西需要说出来才能解决的对吧。 一件件事情的叠加压缩,最终还是引爆了。关于导火索,我并没有太多的解释,那是个事实,一天24小时一起的时间比谁都长不是么。以我的了解当初分到一起的时候,你也很纠结的对吧。当然也可能我对你的了解太过单薄。有些时候,太过亲密反而成了平衡的累赘。其余的我只能说,我很害怕那样奇怪的氛围。





dear xxx,

hi,i am xxx,allow me to tell you something about my hobbies and living habits.i think i am a social person,i have a great circle of friends,they all admire me for my great sense of humour.i am talkative ,i am on the school debate team and i always win.i like reading magazines or newspapers after class,i think they can help me know more about the world.i also do well in my school work.i also like playing sports especially ball games such as basketball,volleyball and soccer.but i am not very good at it.i think i have a healthy life style ,my living habits are prettey good.i always get up early in the morning,i never go to school without breakfast.and in the evening ,i never go to bed late,i finish my homework very fast.but only one living habit is not very healthy,that is ,i have a bad habit of eating dessert.

what are your hobby and living habits?could you tell me more about your life?please contact me as soon as possible.

looking forward to your reply.




要洗碗了,我拿起碗,扭开水龙头,用抹布抹碗,可怎么也洗不干净。我大声问妈妈:“妈妈,怎么碗洗不干净呢?”妈妈在房间里大声朝我说:“你用洗洁精洗洗就干净了。”“哦。”我听了妈妈的话,急忙拿起洗洁精倒出几滴洗了一下,碗果然被洗得干干净净。我高兴地大喊:“妈妈,碗洗干净了!” 我拿着妈妈给的钱到超市买东西。到了超市,我按照妈妈说的走到日用品架子前,拿起妈妈要买的东西,然后走到食品货架前,拿起食品,一起放进超市的`专用篮子里,最后转身走到超市门口。我把篮子放到收银台上。收银台的阿姨看了看篮子,问:“小朋友,你是出来帮妈妈买东西的吗?”我回答说:“是的。”阿姨摸了我摸我的头,说:“你好聪明哦,是个懂事的乖孩子!”



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