

首页大全更新时间:2023-11-24 22:57:03


我心里想:“晚饭已经吃完了,连碗都洗掉了,怎么汤锅还在炖东西呢?”我就问妈妈:“锅里还有什么东西在煮?”妈妈Very Very神秘地笑了一下:“待会你就晓得了!”妈妈的话如同无数只蚂蚁在挠着我的好奇心,我马上就放下了作业,专心致志地等着汤锅里的东东出炉。

十五分钟后,妈妈说了一声:“好了!”还没等妈妈从座位上站起来,我就连跑带扑地冲到厨房,抓起一块抹布,打开汤锅 的 盖子,定睛一看:这啥呀?半锅白白的汤汁上漂着二、三十片黄桃,汤汁比较粘稠,且在黄桃的映照下显示出淡淡的柠檬黄,黄桃也煮得十分熟透、膨松。“这能吃咩?”我一边怀疑地看着锅里的东西,一边问妈妈。妈妈二话不说,就把黄桃汤盛了一点出来,尝了后说了一声:“好喝!”我半信半疑地看着妈妈露出享受的\'表情,犹豫了3分钟后,我拿起汤匙,盛了一小勺,吹凉后塞进嘴里,这黄桃汤水甜中带酸,口感绵柔,较为爽口。“味道还不错嘛!”我叫了一声,“稍等一会,冰一冰更好喝噢!”妈妈又卖关子。为了能更快地尝到美味,我协助妈妈把黄桃汤放入冰箱进行速冻,一个小时后,我打开盒子,迫不及待地盛出一小碗品尝起来:冰过的黄桃汤口感更好,冰冰凉凉的,完全感觉不到酸味,更甜更爽口了,黄桃绵柔、细腻、入口即化,简直像是夏日的冰甜品一样,实在是甜品中的极品!









the same summer holidays pass year after year,year after year, we regret when they come to an end. we regret having wasted so time on recreations, instead of our lessons,regret having worn away our 8tth in trifles.

although it was still the case this summer, i dare say this was the most fruitful holiday i had ever spent. yes, the summer holiday i enjoyed most is this year's.

at the very beginning of the holiday, our head teacher instructed us to make the most of the summer coming up,then turn ourselves into bookworms. i took heart on hearing it,at once mapped out a long list of hundreds of tasks i was going to perform. i was even in higher spirits in the first days of the summer, dreaming that i stuck to the whole schedule became a super girl the next semester. but my ambition didn't stand the test of time. it was a few days later that my attention was continually attracted by the internet, novels,shopping malls. time flew surprisingly fast. when the vacation was already over, i realized in astonishment despair that i had acted on a half of my plan.

however, i am now consoling myself with the thought that it is human nature to have a rest after a long term's study; hence it is not realistic to keep working hard, even though the horrible senior 3 was around the corner. therefore, i am satisfied. i am satisfied with my daily routine in which i spent an average 9 hours in sleeping, 2 hours in eating, 2 hours in surfing the internet, 6 hours in doing some trivial things which i couldn't even remember,the other 5 hours in studying. after all, i have done my possible. what is more, i did have a precious pause between the intense school days,seized the last chance to relax in my senior life. so, this was a holiday combined with rest work, wasn't it?


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