

首页大全更新时间:2023-11-26 02:44:31



As is shown above, a leader father is sitting in the chair with a seal grasping in the hand, and a lot of money beside him. He seriously said to his son that there is more to life than just money -it is power. Simple as the picture is, but a profound truth is reveled in the picture.

I surely disagree with father ’s philosophy. As a leader, he shouldn ’t use his power to make money. It is his duty to serve people wholeheartedly, just one person said “with great power comes great responsibility ”. If he stick to his philosophy. I believe that he will spend the rest of his life in prison. What’s worse, he could affect his son ’s philosophy, guiding him in the opposite direction , nothing can be done to reverse the trend itself. The only solution is to change father ’s philosophy. Because of many greedy officials in China, it is time to reverse the trend itself by establishing new policy. As Chinese always has been our confidence that we can change for the better and better.

In my opinion, there is more to to life than just money -it is happiness, nothing is important than happiness. We can live a colorful life in our spare time.


As is shown above, a leader father is sitting in the chair with a seal grasping in the hand, and a lot of money beside him. He seriously said to his son that there is more to life than just money it is power. Simple as the picture is, but a profound truth is reveled in the picture.

I surely disagree with father ’s philosophy. As a leader, he shouldn ’t use his power to make money. It is his duty to serve people wholeheartedly, just one person said “with great power comes great responsibility ”. If he stick to his philosophy. I believe that he will spend the rest of his life in prison. What’s worse, he could affect his son ’s philosophy, guiding him in the opposite direction , nothing can be done to reverse the trend itself. The only solution is to change father ’s philosophy. Because of many greedy officials in China, it is time to reverse the trend itself by establishing new policy. As Chinese always has been our confidence that we can change for the better and better.

In my opinion, there is more to life than just money it is happiness, nothing is important than happiness. We can live a colorful life in our spare time.



As is shown above, a leader father is sitting in the chair with a seal grasping in the hand, and a lot of money beside him. He seriously said to his son that there is more to life than just money it is power. Simple as the picture is, but a profound truth is reveled in the picture.

I surely disagree with father ’s philosophy. As a leader, he shouldn ’t use his power to make money. It is his duty to serve people wholeheartedly, just one person said “with great power comes great responsibility ”. If he stick to his philosophy. I believe that he will spend the rest of his life in prison. What’s worse, he could affect his son ’s philosophy, guiding him in the opposite direction , nothing can be done to reverse the trend itself. The only solution is to change father ’s philosophy. Because of many greedy officials in China, it is time to reverse the trend itself by establishing new policy. As Chinese always has been our confidence that we can change for the better and better.

In my opinion, there is more to life than just money -it is happiness, nothing is important than happiness. We can live a colorful life in our spare time.



As is shown above, a leader father is sitting in the chair with a seal grasping in the hand, and a lot of money beside him. He seriously said to his son that there is more to life than just money it is power. Simple as the picture is, but a profound truth is reveled in the picture.

I surely disagree with father ’s philosophy. As a leader, he shouldn ’t use his power to make money. It is his duty to serve people wholeheartedly, just one person said “with great power comes great responsibility ”. If he stick to his philosophy. I believe that he will spend the rest of his life in prison. What’s worse, he could affect his son ’s philosophy, guiding him in the opposite direction , nothing can be done to reverse the trend itself. The only solution is to change father ’s philosophy. Because of many greedy officials in China, it is time to reverse the trend itself by establishing new policy. As Chinese always has been our confidence that we can change for the better and better.

In my opinion, there is more to life than just money -it is happiness, nothing is important than happiness. We can live a colorful life in our spare time.



As is shown above, a leader father is sitting in the chair with a seal grasping in the hand, and a lot of money beside him. He seriously said to his son that there is more to life than just money it is power. Simple as the picture is, but a profound truth is reveled in the picture.

I surely disagree with father ’s philosophy. As a leader, he shouldn ’t use his power to make money. It is his duty to serve people wholeheartedly, just one person said “with great power comes great responsibility ”. If he stick to his philosophy. I believe that he will spend the rest of his life in prison. What’s worse, he could affect his son ’s philosophy, guiding him in the opposite direction , nothing can be done to reverse the trend itself. The only solution is to change father ’s philosophy. Because of many greedy officials in China, it is time to reverse the trend itself by establishing new policy. As Chinese always has been our confidence that we can change for the better and better.

In my opinion, there is more to life than just money -it is happiness, nothing is important than happiness. We can live a colorful life in our spare time.
















第三天是最开心的一天,也是最难忘的一天。我们去了南山的海边,零距离观看了一百零八米高的海上观音圣像、观海平台。 其中我最喜欢的是108米高的海上观音,她是正观音的一体化三尊,分别表示和平、智慧、慈悲。为华夏造像之最。有一句是:“祈福万事兴,南海拜观音”。然后就用我的名字写诗。那个叔叔给我写的诗是:林茂枝青花倍红,美姿娴淑玉玲珑,君秀端庄分外娇,学林植栋金榜名。看完后,我们准备回海口时,妹妹和我都累了,所以想要爸爸背我,爸爸不动声色,让我和妹妹比赛,看谁坐的“车”跑得快。过了五六分钟,我们到终点了,妹妹输了,因为我的动作比她快。下午,我们就回海口了。









Computer is a very useful machine. Some of them are big, but some of them are very small .Many people like playing computer. Computer has many functions, so that people can do a lot of things by computer, like watching movies, listening to the music or playing games. It can make our lives very colorful and convenient. Various people can make good use of computer. Children can use computer to learn and play games. Parents can use computers to work. I think computer is a kind of wonderful and interesting machine, so I like computer very much.



三亚,白天可以看见碧蓝的天空,晚上可以听着海浪声入眠。我先去了南山。南山是海南最南边的一座山,也是一座佛山。山上有寺庙,导游说南山佛是中国最灵验的佛。我觉得最壮观的是海上观音,它比美国的自由女神像还高。海上观音有三面。不管你在海的哪一边,都会看到观音的一面。第一面是手捧着一本书,代表着智慧;左边,她手拿一只瓶子,代表善良;右边,两只手紧握着,目光格外严肃,代表着勇敢。欣赏过南山,我们又来到远近闻名的天涯海角。这里,一望无际的大海和白色的沙滩真是绝配,真是"白沙碧海" ,但我感觉这里的沙滩上的沙有点烫脚,不敢贪玩。




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