

首页大全更新时间:2023-03-15 17:49:56


Dear Pauly,

It’s been almost two years since I've met you,and every day I fall in love with you over and over again.Everything about you is so beautiful to me.Your smile,your eyes,your lips…there isn't a thing I don’t like about you.Every Friday as I see you preaching on stage,my heart gets so out of control that I can't even look up at you.I know I can't bear looking straight at you because you are so wonderful to me.You set my heart on fire with just a glance.You don’t know how my heart skips a beat when you walk by,how your very presence makes my insides feel out of place.Sometimes I wish I could just jump out of my seat and run into your arms.I don’t know how you feel for me,but I know how I feel for you.I really just want to see you happy,even if the person you marry turns out not to be me.True love is about the other person,it’s not about yourself.I am willing to let you go where you want,but I hope that eventually you choose me.I Love You,Pauly!

Love always,




一看题目就知道是写竹子的,可是这一篇不仅是把竹子的外貌和形态写出来,它还有与众不同的地方,下面也就让你也欣赏一下吧!“衙斋卧听萧萧竹,疑是民间疾苦声。些小吾曹州县吏,一枝一叶总关情。”怎么样,写的不错吧。这首诗是一位清代诗人郑燮写的,这首诗虽然题目有竹子,可是诗中却只有一句话是写竹子的,“衙斋卧听萧萧竹”,这句诗中“萧萧竹”是风吹动了竹子,发出的萧萧之声,在一般人看来是没有什么,可是这句话也是在为下文做铺垫。作者接着就联想到了百姓啼饥号寒的怨生,这让他晚上思绪万千,夜不能寐,白天还为老百姓奔波。可是这样又不是长久之计,只能让百姓暂时过上安稳的日子,于是他上书请示,让上面也了解民疾苦。可是郑燮却等不了, 看不下去民间的穷困潦倒,痛不欲生的样子,还没等上级批复,毅然决定打开官仓,并找了许多官员,做了许多粥,给老百姓解除饥饿。就因为他心急,因此得罪了上级,还被罢了官。这正应了诗的后两句“些小吾曹州县吏,一枝一叶总关情。”事后朋友说他糊涂,










My father is of middle height.His eyes are sharp and full of expression.He always appears serious and looks like a judge.At first sight you may think he is hard to come near.In fact he is very kind and thoughtful① of others and their feelings.Appearance often makes people think wrongly; therefore we cannot give an opinion about a person by appearance.

My father is a man of success.By his own talents and efforts,he has achieved great achievements in what he does.He has not only created wealth for society but also provided our family with a rich life.Now he is well-known to people all over the city.People of all walks of life②come to my house and,as a result,I gain lots of hard-earned social experiences③and see more joys and sorrows of the world.

At home my father is a severe parent.He is very strict with my mother and me.He does not allow my mother to accept anything from others.He requires that my mother should go to office in time and leave it last.He has high expectations of me.④ When I am lazy and idling away my time⑤,I can see that it hurts him deeply.When I am doing something great,such as carrying out an experiment,he is more than excited.With such a father I am always reminded of going on and on,never giving up.


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