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Dear Wang Hua,

How are you going on recently? I’m glad to tell you that I have planned to go to Zunyi Teachers’ College to study Chinese soon.Could you please give me some advice on how to learn Chinese well?

Write back soon.



2.1. 物质过程(Material Process)

通俗来说,物质过程即为“做”的\'过程,是外部经验的再现,也是某事被完成的过程。物质过程一般由行为动词,动作者(Actor)和目标(Goal)组成。动作者是行为的发出者,如句子 “She cooks for the children on the stove”中的“she”。而目标含指向性,表示某行为或动作的承受者,如“onetuner and handle 1,000 pianos a year”中的“1000 pianos”。值得注意的是,物质过程并非纯指具体的物理动作,它也可是抽象的,如句子 “ he learned fast”.

2.2 心理过程(Mental Process)

心理过程表达的是人所感,所想,所思等心理活动的过程,一般有两个参与者,一个是心理活动的感觉主体即“感觉者”(senser),另一个是被感知的客体即“现象”(phenomenon)。与物质过程不同的是,心理过程的参与者之一是可感觉,反应和认知的人,如“Tom dislikes her ‘special’ pumpkin pie intensely”中的“Tom”。通过修辞手法被赋予意识和感知功能的物也可作为 “感觉者”,如“it”在句子“it (money) pleasured grandpa to put a few golden Indian heads onhis vest”中的作用。

2.3 关系过程(Relational Process)

关系过程表达的是“是”的关系,即具有某种联系的物,人,情形或事件之间的关系,或指某一物的属性,特点或所处状态等,大致可分为两种模式:修饰型(attributive)和认同型(identifying)。修饰型包含两个参与者,载体(carrier)即含有某种属性的实体,属性(attribute),即对载体的限定功能语法,在例句“one of the wise Men was educational in the highestsense...”中,“one of the wise Men”是载体,“educational”是属性。认同型则包含被认同者(identified)和认同者(identifier),如“The shcoolhouse is a two-room frame buiding”,“the schoolhouse”是被认同者,“a two-room frame building”是认同者。

2.4 行为过程(Behavioral Process)

行为过程指的是各种生理或心理行为,如呼吸,咳嗽,微笑,哭泣,做梦等。行为过程只有一个参与者,通常为人的行为者(behaver),例如“in thecountry he sleeps better at night”,“the pupilssit still at their desks in class”。某些情况下,行为过程与物质和心理过程的界限并不明显,因为行为者作为意识体与感觉者非常相似,而行为者发出的动作类似于物质过程中的“做”。

2.5 言语过程(Verbal Process)

言语过程是通过语言交换信息的过程,广义上来说就是“说”的过程,通常用到的动词有say,tell,talk,praise,describe等,如“he may proclaim his ownvirtue or skill”。言语过程的主要参与者有说话者(sayer),听话者(receiver),以及言语内容(verbiage)。 说话者可以是任何能表达某种信息的物体,并不一定要求具有意识性,如 “the book tells of one soldier who survived”。

2.6 存在过程(Existential Process)

存在过程表达的是某物或人存在的情况,通常只有一个参与者,即存在物(existent)。典型的存在过程如“thereis no supervised play”,或含表存在的动词,exist,remain,come about,happen等等。


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li hua


dear vvx,

my name is vvx.i\'m writing to you to introduce my family to you.there are four people in my family.they are my father, my mother, my sister and i. my father is a worker in a factory. my mother is a teacher in a middle school. my sister is a primary school student and she is 8 years old. i’m a middle school student and i’m 14 years old.

look forward to hear from you soon.




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