Toy Story is not only the best Disney film because it has the best story and the best animation, but also because of the excellent actors chosen to provide the voices of the animals. The casting was perfect from top to bottom, and the movie provides an excellent adventure story about friendship and loyalty that keeps you engrossed until the nail-biting climax.Tom Hanks and Tim Allen provided excellent voices for Woody and Buzz Lightyear -their performances alone are one of the biggest things that made this such a spectacular movie.
Besides that, though, you have the excellent story that is not only noteworthy because it has never really been told from this perspective before, but also because it was just told so well.
All of the characters in the film are very well developed and all have appropriate and effective actors chosen to provide their voices. And of course, who could forget the revolutionary animation! The computer animation used for this movie not only made it startlingly realistic but also opened up tons of possibilities, and thankfully the filmmakers chose to explore these possibilities. There are dozens of things that are hidden in the woodwork throughout the film, as well as in the songs – note, for example, the subtle playing of the Indiana Jones theme song in the scene where Woody knocks Buzz out the window with the desk lamp.Toy Story is by far the best Disney film ever made, its pretty much perfect.
Its adventurous, its exciting, its entertaining, its good for the whole family, its got great characters, story, and plot, and above all, its fun.
自那以后,你便一直待在我的.床头,每天晚上抱着你,都会有一种安全感。每次你掉下时,我便捡起你,找不到你时,我便会无比慌乱,每处都找一遍,希望 能找到你,找到你后,心中的那块大石便落了下来。冷冷的夜晚,它只能在外面吹风,而你却可以在暖和的被窝里做着美梦。你应该算得上那时我最喜欢的宠物玩具 了。
但时间渐渐流逝,我慢慢地长大了,已不再喜欢玩那些玩具,对你的喜爱也便慢慢减少了。你从床上搬到了床头柜上,但我在那儿给你安了个挺舒服的家,我 把枕头放在那儿,又把你放进去,那儿便是你温暖的小窝了。而且我对你依然很好,几次醒来,发现你到了地上,我便从床上起来,把你放回去,看你不会在滑下去 了,这才安然入睡,有你在我身旁了,我依然会有种安全感。好几次,半夜醒来时,我总会疑神疑鬼,因而无法闭眼,一闭上眼睛,便又马上睁开,久久不能入睡。 但有你时,我总是睡得很好,半夜不太会醒来,就算醒来也马上就像睡着。其实我也不知道这是为什么,也许是因为我认为你会保护我吧!这种感觉,从你搬到床头 柜那一刻便出现了。所以我一直把你放在那儿,不肯把你移走,因为我担心自己会睡不着。
November 24, 1998
Dear Mr. Bao:
By this letter I am resigning my position as Quality Engineer, effective immediately.
Recent circumstances incompatible1 with my personal beliefs and styles require that I change my employment.
I appreciate the opportunity to work and learn at ABC Company.
Li Da Hua
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