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as we know , water is very important to man, we can’t live without water. the amount of water which is suitable to drink is less and less. but some people don’t care about it .they waste a lot of water in their daily life. even worse, they pour dirty water in to rivers. they throw rubbish into rivers , too. many rivers and lakes are seriously polluted.something must be done to stop the pollution. only in this way can we live happily. if we don’t save water, the last drop of water will be a tear-drop of us.

we know that despite the fact that seventy percent of the earth's surface is covered with water, only a little part of it is fresh water. yet the demand for fresh water in our daily life and in industry seems great. moreover, with the expansion of the population and development of industry, the amount of the fresh water needed will increase even rapidly. it is estimated that if such a trend continues, the fresh water on earth will be exhausted very soon. what is worse, more and more water resources are being polluted, making the water unfit to use.

in addition,we must warn the people of the importance of water and the danger we are facing.for example, in most asian societies where rice is the staple food, the water used after cleaning rice contains various nutrients for plant growth and is an excellent detergent to flush the toilet. furthermore, the intriguing idea of converting the inexhaustible sea water to fresh water supplies will be the ultimate solution.










水——我们的朋友 平达曾说过:“自然界的一切事物中,唯有水最珍贵。”是啊,水是我们的朋友,没有了水,就没有了我们。让我们一起与水做个好朋友吧! 水看见人们不节约用水,伤心地说:我对人类的所作所为感到不满,我为人类做了那么多的贡献,可人类总是滥用我。这样既会导致水源的'流失,又会严重影响生态环境。 在生活中,处处都要用到水。洗菜要用水,洗车要用水,洗澡要用水??,这往往会浪费很多水。其实,请把水龙头开小一点,把废水再次利用,这样我们就能与水做好朋友了。比如:洗菜水可以浇花;洗澡水可以冲马桶??这样,不仅能节约用水,还对别的事物有好处呢! 如果水能这

样一滴一滴的节约起来,虽然不是太多,但是全世界人民都这样做,怎么会没有水呢? 人们可知道,世界上有许多地方水都很少,有些人,因为喝不上水,而死去,他们说:“请他们喝酒,不如请他们喝水。”下雨天,曾是他们最快乐的日子,他们可以用雨水洗澡,还能接水,以后用。他们把水当做奇珍异宝, 每次喝水都要去很远的井里去挑,那井里的水比黄河水还浑浊,比海水还难喝。由此可见,他们是多么爱水啊!如果我们能节约用水,他们的生

活难道会这样吗? 不节约用水,不但会导致水源的流失,还会影响生态环境。 有些工厂既不节约用水,还排放污水放到河流中,这样,水不仅流失了,还会影响生态环境。


It wasn't until we moved into our new home in 2006 that I found it again. It was addressed to me with explicit instructions not to open until my birthday 2005. It was now 2006 so I decided to open it. This is what it said:

Dear Sherri

By the time you read this you will be 30. At the age of 18 I had so many hopes and dreams about where you'd be, what you'd be doing and with whom you'd spend your life with.

Right now I hope that you have traveled and seen everything you've always wanted to, both in Canada and overseas, and maybe even settled down somewhere in Australia doing some research in the field of biology (genetics.

I hope you're married to the man of your dreams. The man of mine is Gwynn. He is originally from South Africa (another place I wish to visit.

You'll probably have two children of your own – a girl(Michaela Anne and a boy (name yet to be decided.

If everything goes according to plan you'll be living in Australia in a big house in a small town outside of a big city with a lot of land, a dog, Gwynn and your two beautiful children. Hopefully you have a career in the medical field, maybe doing research in genetics. Gwynn will be a computer programmer and you will be doing alright for yourselves.

However, if things don't go according to plan for you, I wish you all the love, happiness and joy in the world and don't settle for anything less than the best since that is absolutely what you deserve.

Live long, be happy and live life to it's fullest.

Love Sherri "18″

When I read this for the first time since writing it I was floored. Even now having dug this up again another 4 years later I still can't help but think this is really cool.

So much of what I wanted for myself has materialized.

I did travel to a few more places in Canada although I haven't seen everything I'd like to.I did marry the man of my dreams and yes he still is my one and only.I've traveled to the UK, South Africa, Australia and New Zealand. I lived in Australia for nearly 4 years in a big house, in a small suburb, in a major city (close enough. I had a career in Biology in the field of genetics for 10 years.I have two lovely kids – both boys (names now decided.

I have not one dog but two dogs. Both yellow labs from Australia.Gwynn is a computer programmer. We are doing okay for ourselves.

After writing this I quickly forgot about what I had put in here actually. The things that materialized were all met with quite a bit of resistance (all internal but I suppose these were things that I really did want. Having never strayed too far from home overseas travel was a huge deal. Having never been away from my family moving to Australia for several years was an incredibly huge decision.

I find it fascinating how the dreams of a young and naive little girl can become a grown woman's reality.

I'm curious if you guys have ever written anything to your future self and how it stacks up to your current reality. If you haven't, will you join me in writing a letter now to yourself in say 10 years from now? It's an interesting little experiment.






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