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一般来说,现在使用的商务英语书信的格式主要有两种:传统的缩头式(the conventionalindented form 和现代的齐头式(the modern blocked form 。

根据英国传统做法,缩头式要在信文每一段缩进五或六个字母的空间,有时可能会缩进更多。现在,齐头式在商务英语书信中使用得非常普遍。它的突出特点就是所有信的内容都从信纸的左边开始,段落与段落之间要比缩头式多空出两到三行,以便于区分。这种格式被称作齐头式(the fullblocked form 。但是,有时把日期放在信纸的左边会给查找带来不便,所以,人们使用了一种改良的齐头式(the modifiedblocked form ,即把日期放在右边,而把其他内容放在左边。



(1 信头(the letter - head

(2 案号和日期(the reference and date

(3 封内名称和地址(the inside name and address

(4 开头称呼语(the salutation

(5 信文(the message or the body of the letter

(6 结尾敬语(the complimentary close

(7 写信人签名或签署(the writer’s signature and designation

(8 注意事项(the attention line

(9 事由、标题(the subject line

(10 经办人代号(the reference notation

(11 附件(the enclosure

(12 抄送(the carbon copy notation

(13 附言(the postscript


信头所包含的是写信人的基本情况,包括他的姓名、地址、电话号码、电传号码以及传真号码甚至E - mail 地址。信头在信纸的最上方,有的公司把信头直接印在所使用的信纸上。质量优良的信纸以及一个整洁、匀称的信头,可以展示一个公司的风采,增强公司的信誉。

案号是写信时所给的、以便查询的字母或数字。经常以“Our ref”和“Your ref”来区分。它的位置一般是在信头的右边。而日期在信头以下三行或四行,不管是齐头式还是缩头式,一般把日期放在右端,这可起到行尾的作用,使信看上去更整齐。在商务英语书信中,日期一定要写全,不能用数字的形式,因为美国和英国的日期标示法是不同的。英国的日期标示法是“24thMarch. 2002”, 而美国的日期标示法则是“March24 ,2002”。月、日的后面用逗号,年份后面不用标点。



开头称呼语是写信人开始信文的礼貌用语,一般商务英语书信中多用Dear Sir , Dear Sirs 或Gentlemen ,并且独立成行,在封内名称和地址以下三行。在Dear Sir 或Dear Sirs 后面用逗号,而在Gentlemen 后面用冒号。


结尾敬语是信件结束时的一种礼貌用语。它只是一种礼貌用语,在信中没有实际意义,传统使之成为必须,并已成为习惯,所以一直沿用至今。传统的结尾敬语有: Yours faithfully , Yours truly(多用于美国 等,也有人用倒装的Faithfullyyours , Truly yours 等。结尾敬语必须和信文紧连一起,不能分开,更不能把它单独放到另一页。如遇此种情况,则信件必须重新安排、打印。


注意事项的习惯用语是:For the attention of 或简单的Attention ,下面一般要加上横线。当信件是写给特定的人或主办部门时,则用此用语。它在开头称呼语以上两行。除齐头式外,可放在信文以上中间。



附件在经办人代号以下两行。写信人可标示出一个或多个信中所提到的附件。经常使用的形式有: Enclosure , Enclosures ,Encl. ,Enc. 等。

抄送在附件以下两行。抄送有明、暗两种方式。明示的标记为cc ,后面加上收件人或公司的名字,可打印在原件和复印件上。暗示的标记为bcc ,后加收件人或公司的名字,只打印在复印件上,并且只有写信人和收信人知道。





Dear teacher,

We'll have a class meeting this afternoon. All of us students hope that you can attend it. Please accept our sincere invitation.

In the class meeting, we will make some plans about all the subjects, including English. We do have some puzzles and we need your help. So we hope you can set some time aside to be with us in the class meeting. We will feel honored if you can come to attend our class meeting.

Looking forward to your coming.




A review of the Pursuit of Happiness

“The Pursuit of Happyness” was released on the 15th of December 2006. It is a dramatic story based on a biography of Chris Gardner’s nearly one-year struggle with homelessness. Directed by Gabrielle Muccino, the film stars Will Smith as Chris Gardner, and co-stars Jaden Smith playing Chris’ son, Christopher Jr. For Will Smith’s performance in the film, he was nominated for an Academy Award and a Golden Globe for Best Actor. The ‘different’ spelling of the title, ‘Happyness’ is seen by Chris Gardner on the building outside the play centre is son attends, which Chris reminds the owners of the building multiple times that it is spelt with an ‘I’.

The film shows us the struggles Chris Gardner has with homelessness. He is bankrupt because he invested his life savings in portable bone-density scanners, which he thought hospitals would be interested in buying, but in the end hardly any doctors wanted one, as they considered it an ‘expensive luxury’. During the struggles, his wife Linda leaves to go to New York and Chris and his son are left in San Francisco with no income and living in a motel. Chris sees interest in become a stockbroker, but to become one he has to go through an internship. Meanwhile, Chris and his son are evicted because they can’t pay rent, and they are forced to go to a homeless shelter, and even one night had to sleep in the bathroom of the underground rail system. During his internship, he never once mentions his financial struggles and at one point he is asked to give one of his bosses 5 dollars for a cab, a sum that he can’t afford. After an intense six months, Chris is taken into the bosses’ office, and is offered a job as a stockbroker, the final scene shows him being in unbelief of the position he was offered and showing his happiness and gratefulness for the opportunity, Chris realises that his financial struggles are over as he now has a job with a regular income.

Christ was unfortunate, for he got a wife who was not understandable at all (though she has her own difficulties and was in bad luck with his business. But he was very fortunate also, for he got a son who was very thoughtful and, I think, tough life experiences always make a great person. It is said that this movie is inspired by a true story, and I want to say, this movie does inspire me a lot. What impressed me most are: Christ’s wife left him because of life pressure; Christ’s love to his son and Christ’s strong belief towards life. Through these, I know that it is not easy to be a good husband and a good Papa, since in reality, only love cannot only make everything. And I also learn that one has to strongly believe in himself, no matter how difficult the situation is, but of course, hard-working is indispensable.


Hello, we are XX tourism company, we have you and your 2 children 4 to set up tourist routes for you to choose.

From Beijing to Shanghai's tourist routes, you can go play in Shanghai Zoo, which has its own characteristics is a large-scale integrated Zoo. Then you can also go to Shanghai, Nanjing Pedestrian Street shopping, it is a shopper's paradise.

From Beijing to Changsha tourist routes, you can go play Changsha Window of the World, which is a new development in an amusement park. Then you can go take a look at Pinghu Tang and Wangfujing, one of the very many. Yuelu Mountain is you have to go to a place, from the top you can see the whole Changsha.

From Beijing to Guangzhou's tourist routes, you can go a long long amusement park to play, and that there are many excellent recreational facilities, so that you will not regret it. You can also go to Hong Kong the world's wildlife, which is currently China's largest imitation of the Wild Animal Park. Guangzhou's food is delicious, you will like.

From Beijing to Guilin tourism line, you can go to the famous Lijiang River, sitting on the boat to enjoy the beautiful scenery, and then can go to Yinzi Yan, it was China's first large cavern 4. Guilin Yang Shuo in the line of Yang Renjie shopping and you will be a good place to eat. That you will not feel the same with Chinese characteristics.

I hope you are happy to play China




Dear Sir,

I am writing to seek your advice regarding which subject I should choose as my major, history or computer science. I am studying in the last year in high school now.

Next year, I hope that I will be able to enroll in your college. I began to take a special interest in history when I was a primary school student. I can still remember the historical stories my teachers told in class, so I was wondering if I should continue to study in your college. However, several days age, one of my friends told me that computer science is more popular nowadays.

As a matter of fact, many jobs need IT skills. I was advised that it’s more important to find a job than merely to satisfy personal interest. Therefore, it is now very hard for me to decide which subject I should choose. Must I give up my favorite subject and take employment need as a priority? I would be more than grateful to you if could tell me your advice about this. Your early reply would be highly appreciated.

Yours faithfully

Wang Rutao


初恋50 First Dates

What would it feel if I can wake up everyday forgetting what happened for the last whole year?

Lucy in the movie “50 First Dates” told me this feeling. Every morning when she woke up, she only rememberred the Sunday of last year which was her father’s birthday, also the date she had the car accident which made her only keep memory before Sunday, so she always felt happy living the same habit as what she did on Sunday a year ago with the kind set-up by her father and brother. After meeting Hey, she could only remember who he was on the same day. But after one night, he became a stranger to her. She couldn’t even recognize he was the one she used to date and love everyday. Hey tried his best to give her a new different meeting every day so as to win her smile and regain their “First Date”. Hey made her tapes every morning to help her remember what happened the day before and the last whole year. Lucy thus felt grateful with all she had when she woke up everyday. On the same day, she always had the same deep gratitude to face Hey with her sweet smile. What a beautiful feeling it is to always feel thanksgiving and to always

appreciate each other’s effort. A touching story between a memory lost woman and a devoted man taught all of us, normal people, the essence of love. When two people can thank each other for their devotion everyday like what they did for each other on first date, love can forever be refreshed and energetic. On Lucy’s side, people with memory will ask for more than yesterday and become critical of their partners day by day, while people without memory will feel grateful for their life and the people around them everyday.

In the movie, when one day Lucy decided to break up with Hey to let him rebuild his life by burning all their diaries and tapes, I cried for Hey’s broken heart. For her, it was just one day feeling. For him, it was long-term affection and connection. It was easier for her than him to give up their love. On Hey’s side, people with memory will always remember the past happiness and

treasure it for the rest of their life, while people without memory will easily give up at the end of the same day.

What a ruthless feeling it is to end a relationship just after one minute thought. People with fragile mind would easily ruin a long-term relationship no matter what reason they have. The torture between Lucy and Hey tells us the fatal factor to do harm to intimacy between a couple is their fragile mind of

balancing emotion and reason. Thus most of couple lose their trust for each other after experiencing this weakly testing broke-up.


What is the right relationship between the father and the daughter? There is no certain answer. But the love of Brain's to his daughter must be one of the best ones.

His daughter, a young pretty 17-year-old girl was kidnapped during a tour in Paris. Brain got the news and hurried to France to take his daughter. He found that the gangsters that kidnapped his daughter were connected with an old friend which made him exetreme angry. He finally found the place where was holding an auction selling young virgins and broke in successfully taking his daughter away.

No matter how hard and stressful the situation was, and how dangerous things he faced, he never went back just because of the greatest love of a simple father. In the movie, we are all moved not only his actions of kindness, but also his insistance and the greatest of all- a father's love.


When word of the famed Eisenheim's (Ed Norton illusions reaches Crown Prince Leopold (Rufus Sewell, the ruler attends one of the magician's shows in order to debunk the performance. But when the prince's intended, Sophie von Teschen (Jessica Biel, assists the magician onstage, Eisenheim and Sophie recognize each other from their childhoods, and pretty soon they're totally hot for each other. As the clandestine romance continues, the prince's best cop (Paul Giamatti is charged with exposing Eisenheim, even while the magician gains a devoted and vocal public following. Before long, Sophie turns up dead, and the logical suspect is Eisenheim himself.

一线声机"Cellular" has the setup for a solid straight-ahead thriller: A kidnap victim who does not know where she is being held phones a total stranger who must then stay connected on his cell phone to find her before she is killed. Joel Schumacher scored earlier with a similarly phone-themed Larry Cohen story, "Phone Booth." As executed by tone-deaf director David R. Ellis, however, "Cellular" becomes an unintentionally hilarious cousin to Brian de Palma's "Raising Cain" and "Snake Eyes."

Ellis seems to have unwittingly spliced together two different films with

mismatched tones: Kim Basinger as the kidnapee and Jason Statham as the kidnapper occupy the deadly-serious, straight-to-video thriller half, while Chris Evans as the rescuer and William H. Macy as a police officer seem to be in a "Saturday Night Live"-alum action comedy. Nowhere else is the disjointedness in tone more apparent than when Basinger and Evans's performances are placed side-by-side during their conversations: The scenes keep cutting between an overwrought Basinger wringing out every drop of melodrama, while a blissfully inept Evans seems to be channeling a cross between Chris Kattan/Jimmy Fallon and Ben Affleck/Keanu Reeves.

Meanwhile, Ellis pulls out tricks intended to generate thrills and surprises. He throws in out-of-nowhere "shocks," a la "Final Destination"; he throws in

flashbacks; he throws in a gun-blazing Macy in Jerry Bruckheimer action-hero slo-mo; and yet, Ellis has no handle on staging any of them competently. Case in point: "Cellular" is the proud owner of one of the most ineptly scored chase sequences ever, as if Ellis simply heard a snippet of the song's lyrics ("...where you gonna run to?" literally and paid no attention to the inappropriateness of the accompanying music (which just bop, bop, bops along. (The song is even reprised during the closing credits, which itself is misbegotten in conception.

And yet, for all of its failures as art, "Cellular" is always entertaining for those very same faults


Such is sons’ nature; I really do not know how to express my thanks to you. However, I can imagine, on the day 18 years ago, when you gave birth to me, what a complex feeling you had. In the past few years, every day you struggle me up in the morning and prepare breakfast for me, then in the afternoon, you always welcome your only son with delicious foods after a day‘s hard work. Now your son has been 18 and will go to university soon, like a bird is leaving its parents. Nevertheless, your footprints on my heart will never ever fade and I love you mum!

your son


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