This is my first week in ** Senior Middle School.Everything here is new for me.Our school is an old school but it`s very beautiful.I have 50 new classmates in my class.They`re all very excellent, I think, and I felt a little sad.Because I`m too common.But come to think of it,it`s a very good thing.I believe I can also be very excellent if I study with such excellent classmates.I didn`t know why Ms *** chose me to be the committee of study.But I know it`s a good chance for me to raise my ability.All I can do is do my best in the future.I am sure that Ms *** and my classmates can help me when I do something wrong. Because they`re all very kind.It`s a pleasure to work and study with them.I`m really very happy.I`m not an outstanding student in this class,but I can do the same thing like others.I believe I won`t make anyone disappointed.
身为医生,救人本来就是分内事,其实怎么样才算是一个好医生??医生只是救人这么简单??小时候觉得做医生很伟大,既可以救人性命,又可以治好人们的创伤,但是现在感觉做了医生才发现,有时候医生可以做的事情实在太少了。一个病人的病不但影响自己,还会影响自己的亲人的情绪,所以一个好医生应该是把病人的病治好,并且尽力治好病人的“附属品”,从而治好他们的精神创伤。当然医生是人,不是神,尽力而为就好,职业道德很重要,就像一件头和鱼仔他们,把病人的利益一直放在首位,而他们不怕自己吃亏,一切都为了病人着想,他们的精神值得我学习。 健康的人不一定生活得开心,有病的人,只要积极乐观点,一样可以很快乐。医生没有贵贱之分,无论是看神经外科还是普通门诊,只要都是为了病人的 利益着想,并努力付出自己,对于我来说都是好医生。
当然,每一部剧都不会少了爱情,因为没有爱情的连续剧是不会有味道的,人都是有感情的动物,爱情的存在使得观众更容易流露出感情。其实我觉得爱情就是水和泥土的化学反应,不同的水和不同的泥土之间有着不同的化学反应,单相思就像水穿过岩石,水还是水,岩石还是岩石,总是很花时间,却没有任何效果,如果化学反应非常强烈,那么可能形成非常稳定的婚姻,就像混泥土一样,一块泥土如果容纳太多的水,那是滥情,在感情上会造成婚姻的崩溃,变成一滩稀烂的泥土。on call 里面很多人都很好,最后都成pair 成 pair的,幸福的局面吖。当真正爱一个人投入一段感情时,便会千方百计想让对方快乐。一件头鱼仔:结婚誓词如果只是循例念出来是没有意义的,必须实践出来。年轻时漂亮健康,当然爱。但当对方年纪渐大,又老又有皱纹,病痛越来越多,甚至眼看对方老死,难道就不爱了吗,既然将来不会离弃对方...没人知道生命的`长短,即使我们是医生,也不能保证自己长命百岁,所以结婚誓词没说要保证白头偕老,却要保证无论健康疾病都要在一起,范子妤,我在问你一次,无论健康疾病,我愿意和我不离不弃,终生不渝吗?”他们都很为对方着想,不用时间经营也能keep住关系,不愧是一个很大的看点;美雪是一个好胜,嚣张的女人,只有强大的男人炳灿才能把她hold住。至于洋葱也是一个好男人,从贪玩到成熟,他变了很多;一健虽然残,但不是废,积极乐观的精神值得学习。互相谅解和包容是婚姻的秘密,也是幸福的秘密。女人的幸福在于:他真的爱我;男人的幸福在于:她值得我爱。
Today we visited a farm. Early in the morning, we met at the school gate and went there together The farm workers gave us a warm welcome. Then the head of the farm showed us around.
How glad we were to see the crops and vegetables growing well. At noon we had a picnic lunch in the sunshine. After a ten minutes break, we had great fun singing and dancing, telling jokes(笑话 or stories. Two of us even played a game of chess. The time passed quickly. Before we knew it,we had to say goodbye to the workers.
When I was a freshman in college I watched the film Gua Sha Treatment for the first time, now I am a junior student and I come back to review the movie from a multicultural aspect, I have many different feelings after watching the film again.
At the beginning of the film, XuDatong is given an award and later he delivers a speech. What makes me impressed most is in his speech he says “one day I will become one of you, a truly successful American, today this award proved that America is a true land of opportunity and I am the living proof of that.” At that moment Xu thinks he has realized his American Dream totally with his lovingly wife and adorable son. However, I think it is ironical that to make a speech like that and I assume it is made on purpose to hind a clue for the story\'s development. How many non—American people have such a beautiful American dream? One of my classmate studies in American now and before he went aboard he told me his American dream is he can stand at the top of the New York. To be honest, I also dream that one day I can get the Green Card living there happily and successfully maybe working at the Wall Street. When Xu gets the award he thinks he entirely melted in the melting pot neglecting the multicultural obstruct, later the plot goes against the way he thinks. And later Quinlan asked Xu\'why you be the scapegoat of your father?\' Xu answers \'because he is Chinese.\' Then maybe Xu knows that there is always a wide gap between Chinese and American cultures.
The second scene is Xu hit his son Denis because Denis hit the son of xu\'s boss, at the middle of the film xu tells his boss that he hit his own son is only to show his respect to his boss John Quinlan, that time Quinlan feels puzzled “what a Chinese logic”,yes, American can never understand such a logic full of Chinese characteristic, because they respect everyone including the children, they won\'t beat a child to please the boss, and there is no such a conception of degree between employee and employer, they feel everyone is equal, which is quite different from china.
Connected to the second scene, the third difference I want to analyze is the care for the children. In America, people pay more attention to the right of children which can be seen from the law—leaving children alone at home is illegal, while in China it is so common that almost everyone may experience such loneliness. And Children Welfare Agency does work in America which shows the importance Americans attach to children\'s right. What\'s more, I remember a line \'No one won the case, especially the child.\' In my opinion, it also manifests the universal concern from the American public to the children.
The fourth aspect is following the procedure, in the film, more than there times, the people focus on the rule, the law, the procedure. At the Christmas Eve Xu wants to return back to his home pretending as a Santa Claus, what a pity, the security recognizes him and persuades \'you are always a good tenement, never causes troubles for me.\' And another scene is at the end of the film , the judge says \'I have to follow the procedure.\' However, in China people always have to ask for a favor to do something, and later you have to pay back the favor,for myself, I prefer the American style, strict to the procedure.
The fifth and the last point is the humors, Quinlan says \'you can\'t fall, your health security is the company paid.\' \'Datong, welcome home, maybe next time, you can come from the front door.\' \'dady, why you come from the window\' \' because we don\'t have a chimney.\' I really adore this distinguished American humor, especially in dangerous situations, which is quite rare in China.
That\'s my whole reaction to Gua Sha Treatment.
这就很厉害了,讲了一个复读生高考备战的故事。恩,不谈什么中国韩国的教育,友情碰上利益的不平衡,家长与孩子间的不信任,老师和学生巨大的地位差异这种大标题,说说恐怖部分的处理吧,妆容实在是吓不了人,血啊尸体啊也太假。就快结束时一个女同学躲在桌子下,结果女魔王身体爬在桌子上,头朝下看着她时,那里挺吓人。这里面的老师,也一点都不可怕 ,因为现实生活中也差不多,特别是私立高中,老师基本也就这样了,没人性味喜欢机械式生活,除了束缚和惩罚没什么花样,当着家长表现的负责又有耐心,一转脸……堪比恐怖片。女主最后活下来了,之后的生活没有当初憧憬的幸福,反而心累压抑麻木,心中的\'那块疤痕不比脸上的疤痕小,死是对于她来说是解脱,是另类的幸福。想想,你,八年后,再回头看看高考,看看自己选择的复读,看着自己那年的疯狂和执念是会自嘲还是欣慰呢?希望你们再回头回忆时都是欣慰。总之这是一部有社会意义的电影,用恐怖片来饰演了许多人的心魔。就这样吧。值得一看,特别是对高考有一定阴影的人更值得一看。
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