

首页大全更新时间:2023-04-07 10:31:17


The free day ,I want to go to Los Angeles.Because this is the second largest city in America! And the sun always seems to shine in LA!I need some suggestions. Firstly I want to join the 2 hours walking tour.because it is a so great chance .Secondly I will go shopping in Glendale Galleria. Finlly I want to citadel outlets and South coast plaza.


In recent years, tourism has been popular and played an important role in our nation’s economic growth. However, I am afraid that if tourism develops over, it will bring harm to the environment and give rise to many problems.

There are a few reasons accounting for my views and I would like to list three of them. One of the examples is that a large number of woods and other plants were replaced by all kinds of accommodation facilities or scenic spots. That definitely breaks the ecological balance of these areas and destroys the natural beauty of the scenic spots. Worse still, more pressure has been placed environment protection in that many tourists left their garbage in the scenic spots. In addition, over-developed tourism will occupy large numbers of farmland and lead to the shortage of the land.

In a word, tourism will be harmful to our environment if it is over development. Thus, I do not advocate that we development tourism without considering the environment. And we should keep the balance between tourism development and environment protection so that we can achieve the sustainable development between our nation’s economy and the environment.


This summer my sister and I follow my mother to travel to the United States, we went to the three cities and one island, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Las Vegas, and Hawaii.

Hawaii is my favorite, although only two days, but I went to the beach for several times, is the famous waikiki beach, listening to the tour guide said where the sand came from Australia, where the water is clear, the sand is very clean, when I was in the sea waves to see the small fish, I also into base sand castle on the sand beach, made apple mould sand, crabs, bottle gourd, the shape of a fish, I also want to go to the seaside.


1. 影片制片人联系了马克·沃尔伯格并告诉他,他们希望在影片里看到老一代和新一代影星的屏幕组合。随后沃尔伯格联系了他认识的老一代演员像Jack Nicholson。出乎意料的是,剧组希望马克·沃尔伯格充当影片里那个老一代的影星,而其他人则喜欢Dylan O Brien充当那个年轻的影星。

2. 为了拍摄影片中的油井Deepwater Horizon, 剧组在路易斯安那州的查尔梅特,也就是影片的主要拍摄地,搭建了一个真实的油井。剧组打造的油井被认为是最大的舞台立体布景道具。

3. Kate Hudson也就是影片中的Felicia。在Instagram上发布了一张和她继父Kurt Russell的照片,即影片中的Jimmy。她说这是她第一部和她继父有合作的电影。

4. 影片中饰演海岸警卫队中尉的角色(Graham McGinnis在现实生活中同样是一名海岸警卫队新奥尔良航空站的直升机救援泳者。

5. 影片在多伦多电影节首映式上让观众们一一起立鼓掌。

6. 这是第二部马克·沃尔伯格与导演Peter Berg合作的电影。第一部合作的电影是Lone Survivor(2013,也是一部根据真实故事改编的`电影。

7. 影片最后的拍摄日期为2015年8月7日。

8. 这是首部马克沃尔伯格与迪伦奥布莱恩(Maze Runner移动迷宫男主合作的电影。

9. 许多在墨西哥湾油井工作的员工拒绝把深海地平线油井泄露事件改编成电影,因为他们觉得这是对遇难者的不尊重。但是Mike Williams-深海地平线油井泄露事件的幸存者,一度支持把这个事件改编成电影,因为他觉得很有必要让别人知道他和他的员工在油井泄露事件中到底经历了什么。而且电影剧组的目标也是想让影片看起来尽可能的贴近实际情况。

10. 影片刚开头可以听到一段来自现实生活中的录音,取材自灾难发生几天后的审讯。

11. 电影里女主打电话打听深海地平线油井的情况时,电话那头说有看到火光冲天,并且有人从油井上往下跳。实际上确实是这样,深海地平线油井泄露事件中,由于事出突然,大部分人来不及疏散,部分工人被迫从75-100米高的油井上跳海逃生。

12. 影片改编自美国史上最严重的油井泄露事故,深海地平线。爆炸事故发生三周内,每天大约有21万加仑的原油流入墨西哥湾。


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