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First, the major knowledge occupies the most important role. As a student, learning knowledge is their job, while many students focus on playing cellphone in the class, or just sleep. They lose interest in studying when they come to the free environment. Mastering the professional skill helps them to be competitive. The sad thing is that most of them can't realize it.


Second, as there is much free time, they can make use of it and gain the valuable experience. Students can join some clubs to develop more interest, or find part-time jobs. It is better than to stay in the dorm and play computer games all the time.


A lot of students feel lost in the campus, because they don't plan campus life well. The things you learn will make you different in the future.



"Open the window! Let the free air come back! Let's breath the breath of heroes." This is a line from romain rolland's book, "celebrity biography". Perhaps this is his interpretation of all his work.

The author of "celebrity biography" is French thinker and writer, romain rolland. "Celebrity biography is about Beethoven, Michelangelo and Tolstoy in grief stuck on the journey of life, to seek the truth and justice, for can show the true, the good and the beautiful immortal masterpieces, laid down their lives. They may be tortured by sickness, or by the misery of their sufferings, or by the confusion of their hearts, or the three of them, which are all overlapping in one body, with deep anguish, almost suffocating their breath, and destroying reason. But with strong will, they walked through the glorious and arduous life.

There are 5 famous biographies of famous people

Many places in "celebrity biography" are amazing, but my most memorable one is Beethoven's saying, "man, depend on yourself!" This sentence seems to be the advice to every living thing, if not to be self-reliant, then to ask for trouble. These three great men, on their own, forged a glorious life.

Beethoven came from a poor family, dropped out of school at thirteen, started the whole family at the age of seventeen, and when he was twenty-five years old, he had just emerged from the music scene and was deaf again. The pain of this very deadly disease to the musician, who could have imagined who could think of his immortal masterpiece, was written in the vast majority of his deafness. He had always been unlucky in life, and his love life was full of desolation and regret, due to poverty and disability.

Meters open the ROM and Tolstoy luckier than Beethoven, they don't have any physical disability, but they refuse to enjoying life, will not live in vain, for the own goal, fighting.

What kind of victory could be compared to their achievements that the glory of the sun that was the day of the Napoleonic wars was never won by spiritual power. They forged themselves with difficulty. As Beethoven summed up his life in one sentence, this sentence has become the motto of the brave man: "for its pain, there is joy."





Open the biography of the famous, in the introduction of the first paragraph: "the air around us is heavy. The old man's Europa was unconscious in a climate of turbidity and corruption, and the vulgar materialism repressed the thought and obstructed the actions of the government and individuals. Society dies in a perverse, self-serving selfishness, and mankind breathes and breathes. Open the window! Let the free air come back! Breath the breath of heroes."

It is obvious that Roman Roland should use heroic spirit to correct the age bias. The real hero, the true greatness, is the pain and solitude, the struggle of the self with the invisible. In the same quote he added: "I am not a hero, I am a hero; And just by the great soul." He was the one who grasped the anguished mind of the hero and the great man, and took the triumph of overcoming adversity as a shining ruler of the hero. And his celebrity biography is revealed three suffering the heart of the hero biography in human history, they are great musician Beethoven, 19 th-century German Renaissance Italy famous sculptor Michelangelo, the Russian literary giant Leo Tolstoy.

"Resurrection" is another masterpiece, Tolstoy twilight Roman Roland said: "the wife, children, friends, and did not understand his enemy, all think that he is a Don Quixote, because they can't see him fight the enemy, in fact this is his own enemy."

"Tolstoy, do you live according to what you preach?" He answered painfully, "I am ashamed to die, I am a sinner, and I should be despised." Finally, at the age of 82, Tolstoy escaped from his home on a cold winter night and was ill in an unknown town. As he lay dying, he wailed and said to the people who were standing around him.

"Thousands of millions of lives are suffering; Why is everyone there taking care of Leo Tolstoy?"

In fact, Tolstoy's answer to the question of the living is also a response to the pain of the soul, where we have clearly heard Beethoven's joyful singing of life.

This is the eternal spirit of romance that romain rolland left us in the biography of the famous.


你喜欢吃桃子吗? 是的\',我喜欢. 你喜欢吃橘子吗? 不,我不喜欢

.你爱吃梨吗? 我非常喜欢吃梨.让我们一起分享桃子和梨吧.好的




现在的大学生们呢?读书,易上加易:资金根本不属于我们考虑的范围,支持却来自社会各界,我们的父母,亲人始终站在第一位。支持的无穷,学习资源的无尽,四年又四年,高尔基式的人才有多少,寥寥无几,可以说几乎没有。怪谁?父母,亲人,国家,教育制度?不用怀疑,就怪你自己!因为一个不容改变的事实 —我们都已长大成人了。成熟的思想已宣告衣来伸手,饭来张口“公子”“小姐”的生活的远去,如果你还是只能过那样的生活,我敢说,人与白痴可以画笔直得等号了。




为了所谓的素质教育,对知识变的轻视,大学里教授的知识不断减少。但对此大学生们仍不满足,以应付为目的学习,平时不认真听讲,甚至还总结出 “选修课必逃,必修课选逃”的歪理。只顾完善和丰富自己的大学生活,培养自己的业余能力,结果呢?“无法就业”,只因知识储备不够。也许应聘时凭自己的三寸不烂之舌轻松过关,赢得一个岗位,但平时违法完成对业务的处理,最后也只能是过过就业瘾罢了。这时再去后悔大学时光的虚度,只能独自品味“光阴好比河中水,只能流去不流回”的真谛了。如何有意义地度过大学时光?留给自己反思吧!


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