

首页大全更新时间:2022-05-20 05:29:19


Withthe rapidly development of electronic technology, the paperless office isbasically realized. We have fewer and fewer opportunities to write, as aresult, we always forget how to write the characters. Moreover, the casualexpression from internet makes us confused about the real meaning of theChinese characters. some people think that while we already have a convenienceway to express ourselves, we do not need to write anymore, well,i could not agree with that.


Becausethe cell phone has shortcut input method and the computer typing could correcterror automatically, this can not be the reason to refuse to write. In the firstplace, Chinese characters has been used for over 6000 years, it is the spiritand soul of a nation, we should be proud of it rather than not to write itanymore.


Inthe second place, we could cultivate ourselves when we are writing. Forinstance, masterful calligraphy can be rated as superb works of art, we feelsomething special link to art while we are writing. It is this magical thing thatelectronic technology can not do.


Inthe third place, even though the technology bring us great convenience, westill in the situation that have to write. It could be embarrassing that youforget how to write when you were asked.


Finally, Chinese characters are our spirit of culture, we shouldremember how to write it, and write it good.



As a major channel of consumption information, the rating is an efficient source of information for shopping in our own consumption.

Interestingly, the same rating may have different influences on different consumers.

I tend to consult consumption ratings whatever I purchase. Firstly, the higher rating means the higher quality of the product, or better service.

Based on the ratings, I bought my beloved backpack, saw interesting films and tasted delicious foods.

Secondly, ratings can save time to make decisions in shopping. For example, there are huge amounts of reference books which I am often confused to choose from. In that case, it is both convenient and economical to buy books according to the ratings.

There is no doubt that it is unwise to depend completely on the ratings in consumption. The advantages and disadvantages of ratings are often closely related. It is necessary to hold an objective attitude towards ratings.







以前,音乐人在众人眼中必须是全能的,会作词、作曲和演唱。现在的音乐将过去颠覆,开创了我们特有的音乐新时代。我想首席代表必是 Jay——周杰伦, 昨日双截棍舞得很漂亮的无名小卒,今日声名鹊起的实力歌手,明日万众瞩目的天 皇巨星。他的迅速走红并未带来太多惊叹的目光,似乎在意料之中,他的专辑销量一直居高不下。有人批评说他咬字不清,我认为这也正是他的独特出众之处。他的大多数歌都是自己作曲的,一种 modern 的曲风,糅合了一种蒙眬感,让意韵与心境得以含蓄却又淋漓尽致的呈现,让曲韵的表现力和张力及其鉴赏性得到极致发挥。或是躁动不羁,或是温婉缠绵,百变风格让人欲罢不能。这就是我们这个时代音乐的突出特点——张扬个性。周杰伦应该算是当今流行歌手中很成功的一位了。我做了一项民意调查,调查显示:大部分人以为 Jay 的作曲及演唱方法是非常成功的, 极少数持否定意见的人也只是不喜欢他曲子的风格和类型而已,可见周杰伦的音乐才能是毋庸置疑的。唯一遗憾的事是 Jay 不会作词,不过会不会作词在当前似乎关系不大,很多歌手是连曲也不会作的,这也就是为什么我们现在严格地将音乐人和歌手区别开来的原因。Jay 的歌被广为传唱理所应当,但我建议大家不要一味地模仿。Jay 对于他的字音清晰问题可以处理得很好,如果大家盲目模仿,一旦丧失了原来良好的发音能力,可就要抱憾终身了!



I like to travel so much. When holiday comes, I will make travel plans. My friends like travel, too. So we make up the group. Travel means a lot to me. On the one hand, I can broaden my vision. Every city has its own feature and lifestyle, so I can experience different lifestyles. Books can provide us theorical knowledge, but if we go to the place to witness the real scenery, then what we learn from the book will be useful. On the other hand, travel can bring me the new mood. If I live in the same place for a long time and do the same thing every day, my life will be boring. But travel can help me to refresh my mood. When I come back, I am full of energy again.



There are a small number of people called “the moonlight clan” in our society, who always run out of their income each month and have no plan to save money. Concerning with this kind of consumption conception, some consider it as a fashion while other oppose it.


Those who are in favor of this kind of consumption conception point out that being moonlight clan let them have more chances to enjoy lives and live in a high-quality life. However, the opponents argue that it is not a kind of rational conception because those called “the moonlight clan” may have no ability to cope with their rainy day. In addition, this kind of consumption habit put a premium on extravagance and waste to some extent.


Taking the two opinions into consideration, I am inclined to agree with the latter one. From my point of view, the life of the moonlight clan is more luxurious or high-quality but they may be lack of sense of security, especially in their rainy day. Therefore, I still advocate that all of us should keep some money at any time so that we will not be too difficult in our rainy day.



Dear Professor Wang,


On behalf of the Student Union of the English Department, I'm writing to invite you to give us a speech on Chinese History.


We're going to have such a speech at 2:30 p.m. this Tuesday afternoon in the Meeting Room 401. It would be great honor if you can join in our activity


Please inform us whether you could come. We're looking forward to favorable answer.


Sincerely yours,




Nowadays,thanks to the reform and opening-up policy, great changes have taken place in countryside. Now let me introduce some changes in details.


Inthe past, farmers used to live in the huts which were in poor quality. Theywould be destroyed easily in the heavy storm. But nowadays, most farmers havetheir own houses and flats. Some houses are even bigger and more marvelous thanthe ones in the city.


Inthe past, farmers usually starved to death in disasters, because they hadnothing to eat. But nowadays, farmers can plant many corps to live with or sellthem. No wonder that most of them are wealthy.


Inthe past, farmers were hardly to see the outside world, since they had to trampover the mountains if they wanted to go out. But nowadays, many high ways andtunnels have been built, so it’s convenient for them to go out. Moreover, mostfarmers also have their private cars. Therefore, they can go anywhere theylike.


Inthe past, farmers always suffered from the diseases, because there was nodoctor at all. But nowadays, many hospitals have come into being in countryside, so they can be cured in time.


Inthe past, it was difficult for children to study in countryside. Butnowadays, as there are so many schools in countryside, more and morechildren can get a better education.


Whata wonderful life in countryside. Maybe countryside will be morethriving than the city in the near future.



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