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when i was in high school, there was a teacher who taught me more than that in was a very kind boy, 4 or 5 years older than us and taught us geography. we all liked to take his class, though geography was not our major course.

what impressed me a lot was his could see him always got angry only when we were too noisy in class,he often played soccer with used to be a very believable defender and never fouled on any of us.

we all liked to call him "teacher miao" and he was just like a friend, not a sonsy personality inspired me to be kind to everyone i was my well-beloved "teacher miao".









多年前,美国兴起石油开采热,有一个雄心勃勃的小伙子,也来到了石油开采区,但开始时,他只找到一份简单而枯燥的工作,他觉得不公平,我那么有创造性,怎么能只做这样的工作?于是便去找主管要求换工作。没有想到,主管听完他的'话,只冷冷地回答了一句话,你要么好好干,要么另谋出路。那一刻,他涨红了脸,真想立即辞职不干了,但一时半会也找不到更好的工作,于是只好忍气吞声,又来到了原来的工作岗位,回来以后,他突然有了一个感觉,我不是有创造性吗?那么为何不能就在这平凡的岗位上做起来的呢?于是,他对自己的那份工作进行了细致的研究,发现其中的一道工序,每 次都要花39 滴油,而实际上只需要38 滴油就可以了,经过反复的试验,他发明了 一种只需要38 滴油就可使用的机器,并将这一发现推荐给了公司,可别小看这个1 滴 油。它给公司节省了近千万的成本, 这个人就是就是洛克菲勒,美国最有名的石油大王。



员工最大的价值在哪里?世界上最伟大的销售员乔?吉拉德说:“你一生中销售的唯一产品,就是你自己!” 作为一名员工,每个人都希望受到企业的欢迎、领导的常识,从而获得更多的发展空间,实现自我价值。然而,究竟如何塑造个人品牌,成为企业最需要、老板最喜欢的人呢?艾莫老师以真实生动的案例、诙谐幽默的语言,剖析成为最有价值员工的条件和素质,教你方法,给你动力,让你做最有价值的员工。他总结出了不管你是做什么样的工作,最重要的是你的态度。

专业 敬业 性格 人品 心态(态度 如果给这五种人分类,艾莫老师给出了这样 的分类排序法:①态度 ②人品 ③性格 ④敬业 ⑤专业,那我们又属于哪一类人呢?我们是否做到了这些?




The person I admire most once was my lei Feng. I was moved by his readiness to help others, and the spirit of selfless dedication. And now, the person I admire most is Peng Liyuan. At first I know her as a famous folk singer. She has a lot of works, mostly are widely known. Among them I like On The Hopeful Field the most. She is loved by people. She is the the general political department song and dance troupe head of Chinese people s Liberation Army, national level actors, civilian cadres of the people s Liberation Army, and part-time professor of Peking university. Now she has another title, our president Xi Jinping s wife, first lady of our country.

She is such an excellent person! She has earned a lot of glory for Chinese women, setting a great example for our female. How can I don t admire such a person?


People often said: "The teacher is hard gardener, nurturing us; teachers like candles, burning their own, warm with us; teachers are spring, to the childrens minds into the knowledge of nectar." Think of this sentence, I think My class teacher Xue Mingqin teacher, she is my most admired a person.

Xue is rich in knowledge, like an encyclopedia. In class, she asked us to read, browse, and lead us in the ocean of knowledge, looking for the correct answer. She took the trouble to explain to us how to sentence, sentence, modify the sentence …… She takes knowledge as a spring and water in our hearts. Some classes do not understand the students, Xue teacher always patiently explain to them, until the students gradually solved the mystery.

Xue teacher lectures are very vivid, impressive, we often heard fascinated. In our fourth grade textbook, there is an article "July Tianshan", her voice that sounds, brought us into the beautiful Tianshan, we seem to see the towering snow peaks, melting snow, green primitive Forest, soft mountains, flowers……

Xue teacher taught a very set of essays, she said: "The text seems to see mountains do not like flat." She let me know the composition comes from life is higher than life, she found a lot of good articles, or students good writing let us enjoy. My composition is not very good, see the composition of a headache. Once I wrote an essay "lazy revelation", she felt very good, told me to get the school newspaper up submission. In her encouragement, I gradually have confidence in writing.

Suhomlinski said that a good teacher is a person who understands psychology and pedagogy. Xue teacher all things pass, I hit my heart to admire her.







Let I respect people have many, many, but most people I respect or my grandmother.

Remember I was 5 years old, I waipojia play. One day, my grandmother told me to go with her to buy rice, I readily agreed. I came along, and grandma grandma bought meters, gave the shopkeeper 50 yuan of money, but the owner change, grandma gave one hundred and two yuan. Look at grandmas hand money, my sweet pink-fleshed radish beauty: grandma now without money to buy the meters are made fifty yuan, ha ha, this is really nothing... "

"Boss, you give money, you should give me 12 yuan, but you gave 100 yuan."

Oh, how silly! I in white grandmother. In the owner thanked him repeatedly, we left the store.

On the way, I wonder to ask my grandmother: "grandma, why do you want to return the money to him?" Hearing this, the grandmother said: "a la hora people doing business is not easy to make money, $one hundred is the number of how much ah, you think about it, if you did not have worked so hard to earn money, will you?"

I blush with shame. My grandmother is a worthy of my study, who deserves my respect!








Everyone has a dream lover in their heart, Just like me. Idol is the spiritual beliefs, he inspired us to forget it if something bad happens, then you can move on, and walk like a man!

The person who I admire most is the one of new stars, he named Ray Ma. When I first saw him in front of the television, I just a student in Junior Three. In the ups and downs, time is fleeting. Now, five years have passed, but I still love him. Not just because of his handsome but rather because he has many unique personality charms.

Ray Ma was born in poor rural areas, with totally different from transferring the leadership from fathers to sons stars. His father so as to escape from poverty, he abandoned their mother and him to go out to work. One morning at the age of five, Ray Ma woke up from the bed and found his mother died by his side. His mother dead in the last night, yesterday was mid-autumn day. He wont forget the mid-autumn day all his life, exactly as a sentence of the songs lyrics what he wrote by himself, ‘Cold autumn arrive again. Injury in the heart, how can forget. If not me, how will end. If can be start again, wont make the heart injury, wont let this moment happens.’From then on, Ray Ma became orphans, he was raised by grandparents. Nevertheless his lifes misfortune was just beginning, he had to take care of his two sisters, coupled with his family was very poor, he had to discontinue his studies and went to Beijing to work for his family. Like many other Beijing Dream pursuers, he led a dogs life that living in a small basement and doing day works. Although god had abandoned him, but he never gave up.

In 2006, he participated in the "come on! My hero!", and won the good grades, life seemed to have a silver lining, but do not like what we think. A male photographer revealed their ex-lovers relationship, this made everybody think Ray Ma is a gay, it was a heavy blow. He was forced to leave the game, his grandfather also got a fright and dead. He lost in grief some time, but after it all, he started a new life again. He sang a lot of songs and acted in many television drama, more and more fans fell in love with him. Until last year, he played a role named Fanglansheng in Gujianqitan, he had been known to more people. I believed he will towards the peak of his career.

His efforts and the fight against fates spirit raised me up. After the college entrance examination, I also chose to study in Beijing. No matter how hard that I live in Beijing, I will go with a smile, just like Ray Ma.

Although wracked by life, he was still beautiful as a flower!

Should We Help a Passer-by?

You always think yourself to be kind, but unless you do something for somebody with a kindness, you have nothing but an idea about yourself!


the person i admire is my mum. she is an english teacher. she is very popular among the students because she spends lots of time on her lessons and has a good sense of humor. students all enjoy her class.

my mum is not only a good teacher, but also a great mother. she is patient with me and always smiling while talking. my mum teaches me how to think independently and helps me to build up my confidence. when i have some difficulties in my studies, it is my mum who encourages me to work until i solve the problem. when im feeling sad or bad, it is also my mum who looks after me with care.

i remember when i caught a fever at midnight last year, my mum took me to the hospital as fast as she could. when we got home after my injection, it was about 5 oclock in the early morning. my mum only slept 2 hours because she had to wake up at 7 oclock to prepare breakfast for me, and then she went to work. she must be very tired that day.

my mum is not very beautiful, but i admire and love her.


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