罗锦是个平凡的小镇,却有着不平凡的风景。看!那荷花多么高洁啊!一眼望去,荷叶满是,浓绿如碧,还夹连着不少荷花呢!一片片荷叶,如同被雕过的玉似的!荷花也不失雅趣,那美、柔、娇的姿态引来了不少是人的赞叹呢!它们比天空的笑还美,比春天的风还柔,比新抽得芽儿还娇,这不是它独特而淳朴的音韵吗?有些荷花像一个羞羞答答的小姑娘,躲在荷叶撑起的小伞下;有的像一位披着轻纱的少女,临城下凡,在水中亭亭玉立,仿佛水中一枝独秀;有的像一个好奇的白衣少女,含苞欲放,露出一个小尖尖,在探索奇妙的世界;有的像…… 荷花的姿态真是千数数不尽,万数数不尽啊!在月色下的荷塘更是美!塘里的水平静得像一面镜子,不时会泛起一圈圈彩色的涟漪……作文 http://
A simple dcussion about Up
Pixar Animation Studios a superior about talking story at all times: Toy Story a story about deeply fraternal affection. Finding Nemo a story about a father’s introspection about h education road. The Incredibles a story about middle-aged man and wife’s life cr. Cars a story about moralities in physical education’s world by telling a star’s experiences. Ratatouille a story about a spirit that never gives up and you can realize your dream. Because of those wonderful cartoons, Pixar makes itself become an excellent symbol in cartoon sphere.
Therefore, Up worth being expected. And the truth that it’s a fantastic cartoon. To my mind, dream, commitment and responsibility the key of Up’s successful.
Children’s dreams are the easiest and the most romantic, on account of they always have deeply interest and passion for new things and strange world. But sometimes it’s difficult to realize their dreams by themselves; they usually need adults’ help. And those behaviors are not only their promes, but their commitments and responsibilities.
Russell and Carl’s relationship a key of Up. They have many differences: age, characters and background. And Up explains the relationship between adults and children by them.
Though Carl and Ellie’s love story just a few minutes, it impressive
and affecting. And it’s my favorite part in Up. Every man and wife wants to live a happy life, but true life usually makes it difficult to realize. But it doesn’t mean dream unpractical, prome untrue. Through Carl becomes unsociable and eccentric, he still remember h prome to Ellie. In my opinion, the thing which flies not the house, but a heart which brave and insts on its dream and prome.
And the adventurer, Charles a special role in Up. I think he stands for the people, who just care about their own benefit, totally forget social benefit and their roles in the society. There are so many kinds of dreams, so there are some persons make fame and wealth to be their goals. In fact, it reasonable, but it’s wrong to damage the social benefit. Th way of doing things terrible, shameful and lamentable. In the film, Charles forges sample at first, then kills many innocent men, and tries h best to get the animal, a kind of big bird. Everything he does for h own fame and wealth. The film has hit the right and wrong on the nose. In the final battle, empty-handed Charles fell down into a so deep cliff. It’s not only a punhment to him, but a satire to th kind of people.
Dream likes a check, prome likes an acceptance. Once you prome, you must try your best to make it come true for it your responsibility and duty.
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