1965年,一位韩国学生到剑桥大学主修心理学。在喝下午茶的时候,他常到学 校的咖啡厅或茶座听一些成功人士聊天。这些成功人士包括诺贝尔奖获得者,某一些 领域的学术权威和一些创造了经济神话的人,这些人幽默风趣,举重若轻,把自己的 成功都看得非常自然和顺理成章。
时间长了,他发现,在国内时,他被一些成功人士 欺骗了。那些人为了让正在创业的人知难而退,普遍把自己的创业艰辛夸大了,也就 是说,他们在用自己的成功经历吓唬那些还没有取得成功的人。
作为心理系的学生,他认为很有必要对韩国成功人士的心态加以研究。1970年 ,他把《成功并不像你想像的那么难》作为毕业论文,提交给现代经济心理学的创始人威尔布雷登教授。
布雷登教授读后,大为惊喜,他认为这是个新发现,这种现象虽然在东方甚至在世界各地普遍存在,但此前还没有一个人大胆地提出来并加以研究 。
惊喜之余,他写信给他的剑桥校友——当时正坐在韩国政坛第一把交椅上的人—— 朴正熙。他在信中说,“我不敢说这部著作对你有多大的帮助,但我敢肯定它比你的 任何一个政令都能产生震动。”
后来这本书果然伴随着韩国的经济起飞了。这本书鼓舞了许多人,因为他们从一 个新的角度告诉人们,成功与“劳其筋骨,饿其体肤”、“三更灯火五更鸡”、“头悬梁,锥刺股”没有必然的联系。
只要你对某一事业感兴趣,长久地坚持下去就会成功,因为上帝赋予你的时间和智慧够你圆满做完一件事情。后来,这位青年也获得了 成功,他成了韩国泛业汽车公司的总裁。
温馨提示:人世中的许多事,只要想做,都能做到,该克服的困难,也都能克服,用不着什么钢铁般的意志,更用不着什么技巧或谋略。只要一个人还在朴实而饶有 兴趣地生活着,他终究会发现,造物主对世事的安排,都是水到渠成的。
Since the 1970s, with the worsening oil crisis, the major businesses in the automotive internal combustion engine as much as possible to reduce the car's fuel consumption, while sparing no effort in the development of hybrid vehicles and new energy vehicles. There are hybrid gas-electric hybrid and mixed fuel in two forms, both in the car body design is no different with the traditional internal combustion engine vehicles, the future trend is nothing more than a continuation of current trends, efforts to reduce the drag coefficient, reducing weight while increasing strength and stiffness and so on.
Hybrid vehicle technology only in the product over, to really new energy vehicles, preparatory and experimental products, the ultimate trend or completely replace the existing traditional energy vehicles by the new energy vehicles.
In 2080, cars are going to be different. The car of new type is made from China. The motor is quicker than other cars. The car can be droved 500 kilometers per hour.
Computers are going to be inside every car. It is going to control the car. You don’t need to be worried about the red light.
The car is going to go on special tracks above the city. It would be not so crowded and noisy.
There is a special air conditioner in the car. In winter you can be warm there. In summer you can be pleasantly cool.
If you have this car, you will be very fashionable.
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