“叮叮叮”,上课铃响了,我深吸一口气,走上讲台,对同学们说:Hello, Nice to meet yo.” “Nice ti meet yo to.”同学们不约而同地回答.我向同学们介绍了自己,同学们马上送给我热烈的掌声。随后,便开始在掌声中上课了,同学们,跟我读单词” “Yes,teacher.” “cover,cover, go” “cover, cover” “sell” “sell, sell.” “ok, agoin.” 接着,同学们又响亮的.读了起来。“好,现在我们每组同学充当一个角色,第一组彼得,第二组安妮,go。”我一声令下,充当角色的游戏马上就要开演了。“I like drawing, Let is draw,图片。”顿时,全班大笑,有的笑弯了腰,有的捂着肚子笑。“安静。”我拿着棍子喊道。这时,第二组的唐敏说“你们笑什么笑,没文化,不知道,中外结合吗?一看都不懂。”“哎,还中外结合,我看你是狗加唐敏相结合。”刘兵说。顿时,唐敏无话可说了,用书遮住脸,真想找个地缝钻下去。我说“笑什么,你们不知道鼓励他,反而在这里冷嘲热讽。唐敏,相信我,你会读懂的,加油。”听了我的鼓励,同学们和我一起为第二组的同学加油。第二组的同学昂起头,用洪亮的声音读出了安妮说的话:“I like drawing,Let is draw pictures。”刚说完,教室里便响起雷鸣般的掌声,第二组成功了。我对他们投去赞扬的眼光,他们也自豪的坐了下去。“唐敏,你刚才怎么不钻入地缝里去呀?”“哎呀,地缝里的大王不让我抢他地盘。”说着,大家都笑了起来。
记得马云刚推出淘宝软件时,妈妈许多步骤不会,还得靠我这个小帮手来助她“一臂之力”。有一次,我正在津津有味地看着电视,就在这时,从房间里又一次传来了妈妈的呼唤声:“儿子,赶紧过来,妈找到了一样好东西!”我对妈妈的求救已经是习以为常,可是听到了“好东西”这个词,我不禁也兴奋了起来,我来到了电脑房,只见电脑的屏幕上显示着衣服的示意图,衣服款式新颖别致,最为重要的是这件衣服的价格。“169元三件!”没有看错吧,在市场上买一件169元还差不多,现在算下来一件才差不多50多元,我立马也激动起来。可是刚看过新闻上播的网购“诈骗”的我立刻收起了刚才的激动之情,心里想到:这会不会也是那些骗子们设下的局呢?我便把想法告诉了妈妈。妈妈听完以后,开始也觉得有点不对劲,可是,很快妈妈抵不住这 “物美价廉”的诱惑。妈妈把页面往下拉,出现了买家的好评。妈妈看完以后立马又动心,分别挑选了三种颜色不同的款式,三下五除二地付了款。
This is my first week in ** Senior Middle School.Everything here is new for me.Our school is an old school but it`s very beautiful.I have 50 new classmates in my class.They`re all very excellent, I think, and I felt a little sad.Because I`m too common.But come to think of it,it`s a very good thing.I believe I can also be very excellent if I study with such excellent classmates.I didn`t know why Ms *** chose me to be the committee of study.But I know it`s a good chance for me to raise my ability.All I can do is do my best in the future.I am sure that Ms *** and my classmates can help me when I do something wrong. Because they`re all very kind.It`s a pleasure to work and study with them.I`m really very happy.I`m not an outstanding student in this class,but I can do the same thing like others.I believe I won`t make anyone disappointed.
“Oh Yeah——”我迫不及待地抢过妈妈递来的手机,轻车熟路地打开当当网。映入眼帘的首先是网站上的各类品牌广告,让人眼花缭乱。搜索《哈利波特》,网页上与《哈利波特》有关书籍有不少,因此,要挑一款买,可没那么简单了。销量,评论,价格……这些关键点必须达标,这是妈妈教给我的。
I read the book of Robinson Crusoe, their captors.
Article describes multiple sailing in the whole island, Crusoe masters of extraordinary survival 28 years experience, strive for survival, show the ingenuity and a man with indomitable perseverance in the face of hardship persistent existence desire, the lonely and eager to rescue the mood. In a lonely island overcome Robinson was done with fear, a savage and said he was "on Friday, they get along with each other, then built on Friday, Crusoe one kind of warm friendship." I also enjoy the disclosure of the business concept: Crusoe each sailing and adventure has clear commercial purpose, with his own property and calculating profit, he will also oneself life the island is his territory, in addition to reveal its economic thought, I admire John Robinson's rich, more learning his strong initiative and spirit of adventure, early efforts, hard work, and perfect kindness thought!
i read the book written by luxun .it is called zhaohuaxishi. it includes 10 short articles about the writers stories .they are based on his own experience , when i read this book ,i feel very happy to see luxuns childhood. it was diffrent from ours,so we may find it intersting and exciting. luxuns langange is very great but maybe difficult to understand . but through his words ,we can find his happiness in his heart .
Jane Eyre is a first-person narrative of the title character, a small, plain-faced, intelligent and honest English orphan. The novel goes through five distinct stages: Jane's childhood at Gateshead, where she is abused by her aunt and cousins; her education at Lowood School, where she acquires friends and role models but also suffers privations; her time as the governess of Thornfield Manor, where she falls in love with her Byronic employer, Edward Rochester; her time with the Rivers family at Marsh's End (or Moor House and Morton, where her cold clergyman-cousin St John Rivers proposes to her; and her reunion with and marriage to her beloved Rochester at his house of Ferndean. Partly autobiographical, the novel abounds with social criticism and sinister gothic elements.
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