1. Play tired sleep, continue to play in the dream.
2. Perhaps what I have lost is what I should never let go of in my life.
3. 不忍覆余觞,临风泪数行。——纳兰性德《菩萨蛮·催花未歇花奴鼓》
4. 我想对自己说我不会再爱你了,可是我做不到。
5. As long as you get used to a person's habits, you can be happy!
6. I love you so much that I forget to love myself. I can only laugh bitterly and say I don\'t want to.
7. 但见泪痕湿,不知心恨谁。——李白《怨情》
8. If the world betrays you, I will stand behind you and betray the world.
9. People always cherish what they haven't got and forget what they have.
10. 你对我的誓言,都只是逝言。
11. Husband is the last person to know his family\'s ugliness.
12. Marry a dog with a dog, and a chicken with a chicken.
13. 最好的感觉,是有人懂你的欲言又止。
14. It's not love, just don't want to be hurt.
15. 下次可不可以换你褪去一身骄傲,喜欢我到疯掉。
16. 初恋是永生难忘的。
17. 忘记我只是你的玩具,就这样被你掌控在你的手心。
18. 学着做自己,并优雅地放手所有不属于我的东西。
19. Gentle world, always caught off guard.
20. Flowers will open every year, but people will not be in every year.
21. 选择适合你的爱情,因为最好的未必最适合你。
22. 夫妻恩爱到白头,日子清贫也***。
23. 耳朵两边分,夫妻一个音。
24. 彻彻底底的被伤穿了,请你不要再说爱我这个词。
25. 爱情就像两个拉橡皮筋的人,受伤的总是不愿放手的那一个!
26. Sometimes you have to let go to see if it\'s really worth having.
27. Always want to forget, I don't know where to start.
28. For at least ten years I have not shed tears, and at least ten songs have comforted me.
29. 从来就是别离时,才知爱有多深。
30. A good wife keeps a man safe.
31. 愿你的爱乘着飞翔的白鸽,展翅高飞。
32. 爱情是婚姻的前戏,结婚是恋爱的**。
33. 但凭阑无语,烟花三月春愁。——郑觉齐《扬州慢·琼花》
34. 些事,只配当回忆,一些人,只能做过客。
35. 欲寄彩笺兼尺素,山长水阔知何处。——晏殊《鹊踏枝》
36. 意中人,人中意,则寻些无情花鸟也痴情。
37. 亲不过父母,近不过夫妻。
38. 爱情里要是掺杂了和它本身无关的算计,那就不是真的爱情。
39. People who have no home can regard any place as home.
40. 爱你不需要太多的言语,只需要心里有你,就够了。
41. A person, always just a person, still have shadow accompany oneself.
42. 把你的手给我,我会一直牵着你,直到生命的尽头。
43. It's people who can't keep it, but heart that can't keep it.
44. Married a woman is not expected to be high, women\'s wishes are appropriate.
45. 结发夫妻丑也好,双线补衣破也牢。
46. 爱是付出,不是占有。
47. 再深的记忆,也有淡忘的一天。
48. 沵説让涐把你拉在黑名单里,你可知道我的不忍心。
49. I love a hand like this, the strength of which makes me feel a little bit.
50. 执笔写下关于爱情如花的文字,却每一页都是伤痕。
51. 哪里有爱,哪里就有希望。
52. Rational love you, whether you have sunk.
53. 那些记忆,像丢失的烟雾,被侵泡着,发白、腐烂,最后它们伤痕累累地落在某个角落消逝,朦胧一片。
54. 伴侣两相无猜,日子舒畅自在。
55. A husband and wife have one heart, and loess becomes gold.
56. 金陵津渡小山楼,一宿行人自可愁。——张祜《题金陵渡》
57. 每个恋爱中的人都是诗人。
58. 嫁狗随狗走,嫁鸡随鸡飞。
59. Don't want to go to suffer, doomed to endure hardship for a lifetime!
60. 身无彩凤双飞翼,心有灵犀一点通。
61. We should be kind to things, not to people, or to be merciless to things, but to people.
62. 那些曾经只给我流过的眼泪,如今为了谁。
63. 男以妻为室,女以夫为家。
64. 苍茫大地一剑尽挽破,何处繁华笙歌落。斜倚云端千壶掩寂寞,纵使他人空笑我。
65. Always inadvertently, looking back on the other side, even if found a long scene.
66. 时间告诉我,无理取闹的年龄过了,该懂事了。
67. 一个真正爱你的人,却能从你的眼中看到你的痛苦。
68. Your vows to me are just dead words.
69. 一个人上演着一个人的独角戏一个人欣赏这部感人的自作多情。
70. 黄昏院落,凄凄惶惶,酒醒时往事愁肠。——李清照《行香子·天与秋光》
71. Sooner or later, I will leave you with a cold heart and never come back.
72. 没有你的日子就像一本没有书页的书。
73. 不想去吃苦,注定会吃苦一辈子!
74. 破裤子强似光腿,丑老婆强似孤鬼。
75. 很多事情,不尽我意,但我无能为力。
76. 紫黯红愁无绪,日暮春归甚处?——龚自珍《如梦令·紫黯红愁无绪》
77. 剔牙稀,挖耳聋,两口子越打越受穷。
78. Even if it's salty, make the saltiest one.
79. 只需要一点勇气,你可以改变你的生活。
80. 努力爱春华,莫忘欢乐时,生当复来归,***当长相思。
81. 说得出口的伤痛都已平复,绝口不提的才触及心底。
82. The secret of good love is that you don't have to be serious, but you have to be serious!
83. Your warmth is my longing, but it is also my grave.
84. 分春色二分愁,更一分风雨。——叶清臣《贺圣朝·留别》
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