

首页祝福语更新时间:2024-09-21 10:08:52

1. 在哪里找到了朋友,我就在哪里重生。

2. 早起的鸟儿有虫吃。

3. I was afraid that I give you is the heart, you still is my knife. Friendship or love.

4. Canletmeforgetaboutthepast,heismyfuture.

5. 世界上没有比友谊更美丽,更会令人愉快的东西了,没有友谊,世界仿佛失去了太阳。

6. 小鱼儿在水中欢快地逛来逛去。

7. Ispendalifetimeofmiss,onlytowaitforyou.

8. 勤能补拙。

9. 因结婚而产生的爱,造出儿女;因友情而产生的爱,造就一个人。

10. Do what you don\'t want to do to others.

11. Youforgot,someonewillthinkofitforyou.

12. Sincere friendship, such as clear water, fine and long; Pure love is like crystal of ice, immaculate and transparent.

13. The early bird catches the worm.

14. Dearinherarms,theinthemindthinkaboutanother.

15. 各奔东西后才知,一别也许就是一世。

16. Youmustknow,inmyworld,youaremyking.

17. 原来山盟海誓说遍,似这般都付与过眼云烟!It turns out that vows of alliance have been made all over the world!

18. We missed the friendship, missed the love, miss the love and be loved, missed our deep heart pour all my yearning for it.

19. 他不爱你,却还是赢走你的心。

20. Letustogetherlater,andthentherestofmylife.

21. 科学只把最高的恩典赐给专心致志献身于它的人。

22. I am confident, I am excellent: I fight, I succeed!

23. 人人都有弱点。

24. Knowledge makes one humble, ignorance makes one arrogant.

25. Cry,notbecauseofweak,butbecausethey\'vebeenstrongfortoolong.

26. 友情这东西,一旦玩真的,比爱情还刻骨铭心。

27. 越等心就越冷,越想伤就越深。

28. Without you,no matter how beautiful the city is,it is just null.世人谓我恋长安,其实只恋长安某。

29. 自助者天助。God helps those who help themselves.

30. 我们都是远视眼,模糊了离我们最近的幸福。

31. Adversity tells the truth.

32. Pursue your object, be it what it will, steadily and indefatigably.

33. 谋事在人,成事在天。Man proposes,God deposes.

34. 小蝌蚪在水里悠闲地一上一下地游着。

35. Alcohol can make friendship quickly.

36. 你若流泪,先湿的是我的心。

37. Where to find a friend, where I was reborn.

38. 无才无以立足,不苦不能成才。

39. 红尘中我们都是过客,我为你心醉?谁为我心碎?茫茫人海,我为谁停留?谁为我守候?镜花水月的风景又能珍藏多久?红尘一笑,有多少人终其一生,都没找到自己的真爱,又有多少人在寻找中迷失了自己。。。。夕阳下对着残花泪,让一世情缘在枯老的眼角化作。

40. Should be in friends for help when it is difficult, not gossip to say after something hopeless.

41. 朋友间必须患难相济,那才能说得上是真正的友谊。

42. No man or woman is worth your tears,and the one who is, won\"t make you cry.泪如珠玉不复惜,若是良人无须啼。

43. 信就信,不信就不信,还***整个微信。

44. 蝴蝶慢悠悠的飞着,累了就落到了一朵花上。

45. 知识之于心灵正如健康之于身体。

46. 天助自助者,你要你就能。

47. 有困难的时候找朋友,决不是一件丢人的事。

48. 彼岸花,花开开彼岸,春天生长、夏天立叶、秋天开花、冬天叶退,花叶永不见。彼岸花,花叶互守护,彼此相守、彼此相知、彼此相思、彼此相爱,彼此永不见。彼岸花,花叶互因果,生生相恋、生生相错、生生轮回、生生相生、缘注定生***。

49. Theroadisfarnotfarawaywithgoodcompany.

50. 颠倒黑白。

51. 看别人不顺眼,只是自己的修养不够。

52. Friends must be in trouble, that can be hardly the true friendship.

53. 当你在睡觉的时候,我一直在工作。当你在工作的时候,我已经付出了双倍于你的努力。 ---何猷君 ​

54. Wearetryingtogrowup,andthenwasblackandblueallover.

55. 我自信,我出色:我拼搏,我成功!

56. Inordertoyouchangeyourself,youdon\'tknowhowmuchIhavelost.

57. 只要路是对的,就不怕路远。

58. It\'s not polite to come and go.

59. 友谊不能成为一种交易;相反,它需求最彻底的无利害观念。

60. 胜利者不一定是跑得最快的人,而是最有耐力的人。 ​

61. Love is a play that a person who gets and losses.风月入我相思局,怎堪相思未相许。

62. 人若勇敢就是自己最好的朋友。

63. Lookattheothersnotpleasingtotheeye,istheirownself-cultivationisnotenough.

64. 人生能有几回博,此时不博何时博。

65. No pains, no gains.

66. Time is money时间就是金钱。

67. Is it not a joy to have friends come from afar?

68. 上帝创造了**,男人创造了妇女!

69. 那年,那月,那时光,已悄然流逝。那情,那爱,那相思,已婉转千年。那山,那水,那琴声,已逐渐清晰。那河,那岸,那两边,已疮痍满目。我岸边伫立的身影,依旧挺拔。琴声婉转。那又是谁,弹奏的一曲绝响,将我万丈红尘埋葬!

70. 我的鞋是位生命垂危的老人。

71. Slowlyfound,loveapersonisdestroyedtheoriginalown.

72. Knowingaboutthepast,liveinthepresentmoment,toprepareforthefuture!

73. Theworldonlythinkimpassability,didnotgo.

74. 知识使人谦虚,无知使人傲慢。

75. 黄金并非万能。

76. No talent can be established without suffering.

77. 雨点滴答,你听,那是春姑娘在弹琴呢,多么悦耳啊。

78. Friendship is a tree can patronage.

79. 海洋是一个伟大的母亲,她孕育了许多孩子。

80. Abitbettertooneself,becausenooneputyouwhentheworld.

81. 牵牛花烦恼时。总吹着它那大大的喇叭。好像想让全世界都知道它的烦恼似的。

82. 别有寄托的友谊,不是真正的友谊,而是撒入生活海洋里的网,到头来空收无益。

83. 幸福的时候需要忠诚的友谊,患难的时刻尤其需要。

84. 早该没心没肺,不用现在撕心裂肺。

85. Friendship is the basis of mutual benefit. Businessman between friendship is based on mutual interests, on the basis of the friendship between friends is the heart of reciprocity.

86. Yousay,lifeislikeaplay,so,Iaccompanyyouplay.

87. Ican\'tsoproudalive,butnothumble.

88. Thecolorofthepocketmoney,determinethemoodtoday.

89. Thousand Lin Fengyu warbler ask friends, wan li yun goose line breaks.

90. Lonelinessisafoothold,memoryisdent,Iapersoncoexist.

91. 为什么总是这样。连敷衍我一下都不愿意。

92. 一天一个苹果,医生远离我。

93. Adversity leads to talent.

94. 幸福是年华的沉淀,微笑是寂寞的悲伤。

95. 世事两难全。

96. 我好懒,懒得连自己心里的人都懒得换。

97. 总有一次流泪、会让我们瞬间成长。

98. 有志者事竟成。

99. There are a lot of friend, is better than have a lot of wealth.

100. 愁,在谁的琴曲下柔成了一个千千心结?月落乌啼,那又是唱响了谁的风霜千年?当年一笑惹痴情,注定红尘里,要与在你纠纠缠缠中走过千年。今宵的我,无由得却饮醉在了前世的那一场晓风残月里。藕花深处,杨柳岸边,烟雨楼台依旧是沧海茫茫。

101. 念今生,风烟流年,执手红尘,朝朝暮暮,凝字为爱。两相依,如花眷恋,你是我独守的暖,不相负,繁华唇语缠绵。那日,长空阴晦,如我的心情。踩着碎碎的感伤,闭上眼帘,记不起你完整的笑容,千年红尘,就在这一刻泛起绵绵情愁,我的世界开始下雪。

102. 你温润的片言碎语,折叠成唐宋,铺衬今夜的文字。一种情缘只能遥寄梦里,而我,化成梦里的蝴蝶,在瘦长的月光中等待黎明的瞬刻,共舞。

103. 就让我们,晚点在一起,然后一辈子。

104. Everything starts hard.

105. Without the basis of which a friendship more stable than with a common enemy.

106. 爱情,要么让人成熟,要么让人堕落。

107. Life encountered in the great sorrow that friendship should be effective relief.

108. 我们必须重复一千零一次,坚韧不拔是唯一的成功之路。 ​

109. Together with a lot of trouble, the friendship is unbreakable.

110. Asking costs nothing  问人不费分文。

111. 良药苦口。

112. Believe in yourself  相信你自己!

113. Injuredside,thesideofgrowth,thatisyouth.

114. Godcreatedthevirgin,mancreatedthewoman!

115. 这个世界上根本没有正确的选择,我们只不过是要努力奋斗,使当初的选择变得正确。

116. 我把百度给***了,因为它知道的太多了。

117. Happiness need loyal friendship, when the time of trouble is especially needed.

118. Iwanttoholdyourhandandgostraighton,nomatterhowfarisitforever.

119. There are no roses without thorns.

120. 静水流深。

121. The good times are not always there.

122. 用我们的爱,创新爱琴海的浪漫。

123. A good beginning is half done.

124. Moreresponsible,theheartismorefreedom,becausenoone.

125. The apprentice must be decorated with broken on the way to the friendship.

126. The reason why a great man is great is that he resolves to be a great man.伟人之所以伟大,是因为他立志要成为伟大的人。


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