

首页祝福语更新时间:2024-11-11 07:18:47

1. Easier said than done。说得容易,做得难。

2. 朋友是兄弟,兄弟是手足;手足不可断,断了筋连筋,我们永远是好兄弟。

3. Every heart has its own sorrow。 人人都有伤心处。

4. 今天笑着和你分手,但愿不日笑着把你迎接。

5. 您用粉笔帮我们画出人生规划,您用直尺教会我们处事为人,您用经验赠予我们拼搏后盾,您用支持鼓励我们迈上成功。师恩难忘,老师,您辛苦了,谢谢您。教师节来临,祝老师节日快乐!

6. 你是飞天捧着的洁白花朵,降在我的心间我那感情的海哟,飞溅起幸福的浪花。

7. 又到了教师节,每每至此,心中便有几分遗憾,多想再听听您的课,多想再看看你的目光,多想再听听您的教诲,忠心的跟您说声谢谢,节日快乐!

8. Every advantage has its disadvantage。 有利必有弊。

9. 感谢您的关怀,感谢您的帮助,感谢您为我所做的一切。请接受学生美好的祝愿,祝您教师节快乐,天天快乐!

10. Every extremity is a fault。 万事过分都差误。

11. Every man thinks his own geese swans。 每个人都以为自己的东西了不起。

12. Let us talk about opening up a piece of soil for love and letting the seeds of hope bear fruit of reality.

13. 您用自己的青春浇灌着年轻的心灵,您用自己的奉献描绘着人生的风景,您用自己的**塑造着梦想。敬爱的老师,谢谢您一直以来的关心,祝您教师节快乐!

14. Every advantage has its disadvantage。有利必有弊。

15. Optimism is the beacon of hope, it guides you from the dangerous rock canyon, from the boundless desert to success.

16. Every dog is a lion at home。 夜郎自大。

17. 物价涨,工资降,何时才能奔小康;工作累,时间长,没有时间把你想;春节至,联系忙,发个短信表愿望:祝你春节快乐!新年大吉!

18. Every day is not Sunday。好景不常在。

19. 宁静的夜晚,美丽的天空,丝丝的微风,对你的关怀一直在心中。悠悠的祝福,滴滴的问候,愿你拥有甜甜的美梦,晚安!

20. Each bird loves to hear himself sing。 鸟儿都爱听自己唱歌。

21. Eye for eye and tooth for tooth。 以牙还牙,以眼还眼。

22. 你现在还好吗,我在远方祝你幸福,渴盼我俩的明天更美好。

23. 黑发积霜是您的自豪,桃李芬芳是您的骄傲。孜孜不倦,诲人不厌。您用粉笔书写无尽的未来,给与我们光明的希望。趁此节日,同学们给老师说声:您辛苦了。

24. 从前总以为收信很快乐因为那表明远方有朋友现在才知道收信不一定是好事因为那意味着朋友在远方。

25. Offer the halo of weaving for you, wish you a happy years, year after year!

26. Everything must have a beginning。 凡是都有起源。

27. 没有敢抬头看一眼太阳,只觉得到处都耀眼,空中、屋顶、地上,都是白亮亮的一片,白里透着点红,由上到下整个像一面极大的火镜,每条都是火镜的焦点,仿佛一切东西就要燃烧起来。

28. Even Homer sometimes nods。 人非圣贤,孰能无过。

29. Every potter praises hit pot。王婆卖瓜,自卖自夸。

30. 富贵不淫贫贱乐,男儿到此是豪雄。——出自宋·程颢《秋日》

31. Every man has his weak side。人人都有弱点。

32. 世界也在忙碌,谁不忙碌?愿你笑对忙碌,寻找生命的快乐。

33. 亲爱的老师,值此教师节之际,送您一捧鲜花,感谢您的答疑解惑;送您一心祝福,感谢您的教诲培养,祝您身体健康,生活美好,幸福平安,永远快乐!

34. Even reckoning makes long friends.亲兄弟,明算账。

35. 每次的牵挂,让魂绊倒在春的门口;每年的回家,让情张扬在冬的路上;到家的团聚,瞬间唤醒了亲情的温暖;春节的喜悦-终于催开了爸妈的笑颜。

36. 神圣而光荣的职业,人类灵魂的工程师,您的辛劳我们感恩,您的高尚我们敬仰,您的付出我们尊重,敬爱的老师,您辛苦了,教师节快乐!

37. Eagles fly alone, but sheep flock together。 鹰单飞,羊群集。

38. 尊敬的老师,希望您幸福天长地9,健康一生1世,烦恼忧愁总是0,今天9.10教师节,祝您快乐9久,平安1百万年,疾祸几率为0,节日快乐哦!

39. Youth is the flower season of friendship, in this flowery day, my blessing is a fragrant forget-me-not.

40. A word of greeting, a blessing, a way of remembrance of thoughts, and wishing happiness, health, and forever.

41. Every man has his faults。金无足赤,人无完人。

42. Everything comes to him who waits。 安心等待必有好处。

43. 贫窗苦机杼,富家鸣杵砧。——出自唐·于濆《里中女》

44. 富儿会高堂,华灯何炜煌。——出自唐·寒山《诗三百三首》

45. 星光闪烁的是希望的光芒,白云托载的是梦想的天堂,彩虹架设的是幸福的桥梁,丹霞铺就的是明天的辉煌,短信捎去的是兔年的吉祥!祝你春节快乐!

46. 您是火种,点燃了学生的心灵之火。您是石阶,承受着我一步步踏实的向上的攀登。您是蜡烛,燃烧了自己照亮了别人。教师节快乐。

47. 问世间情为何物,直教人生***相许。

48. 青春是友谊的花季,在这繁花似锦的日子里,我的祝福是一朵芬芳的勿忘我。

49. ***亡教会人一切,如同考试之后公布的结果??虽然恍然大悟,但为时晚矣!

50. 我们喜欢你,年轻的老师,祝福您,节日愉快!教诲如春风,师恩似海深。

51. Experience must be bought.吃一堑,长一智。

52. 伴着教师节的深情,把美好送给园丁;迎着中秋节的来临,愿好运陪着你旅行;我对你的祝福不曾停,衷心祝愿你事业爱情双双赢,时时刻刻好心情!

53. Send you the first flower of this spring, let infinite fragrance accompany you through the four seasons.

54. 学而不厌,诲人不倦,桃李芬芳,其乐亦融融。

55. 传授我们科学文化之术,赋于我们为人处世之道,激发我们报郊祖国之志;老师啊,您是园丁、人类的灵魂工程师,祝教师节快乐!

56. 像天空一样高远的是您的胸怀、像大山一样深重的是您的恩情、请您接受我诚挚的祝福吧,教师节快乐!想念您,怀念您——老师!对您的怀念与祝福将与日俱增,让一幕幕脉脉深情与祝福盈满,好人一生平安!

57. The world is busy, who is not busy? May you laugh at your busyness and find happiness in life.

58. Words just want to inform you that we will always be your partner, and mountains only blocking my sight, but means less than block the progress of my heart。

59. If there is a white beard old man to climb to come in, put you into the bag, you must not panic, that is I told Santa that I want to gift is a friend like you!

60. 朋友总是心连心,知心朋友值千金;灯光之下思贤友,小小短信传佳音;望友见讯如见人,时刻勿忘朋友心。祝新年愉快!

61. 我趁蛇年的钟声还没敲响,我赶紧用财富雷达跟踪你,快乐大炮对准着你、幸福机枪瞄向你、祝福子弹包围你。你能躲得过吗?祝你春节快乐!

62. 本想用电话向您道一声节日快乐。但是您一笔一画教我学会了写字,所以这里我要用短信息向您道一声:教师节快乐!

63. 愿这小小的礼物把我的心意带给你,愿我俩的友谊像彩虹一样绚丽!

64. 刺骨的北风呼呼地吹着,不时地向我袭来。并且,偶尔会有顽皮的小雪花纷纷扬扬地落下来,就像跳舞一样。

65. Every cook praises his own broth。 自吹自擂。

66. You are like a candle, for students to dedicate all the light and heat! Your character and spirit, can use two words, that is burning!

67. 祝愿你在以后的岁月里,以敏锐的智慧,获得新的成功。

68. 用语言播种,用粉笔耕耘,用汗水浇灌,用心***滋润,这就是我们敬爱的老师崇高的劳动。您工作在今朝,却建设着祖国的明天;您教学在课堂,成就却在祖国的四面八方。

69. Life without faith, like a pile of wood, are back on fire, smoke from a brain。

70. 流年易逝,时光容易把人抛,挂牵着的你有我千万种祝福伴你同行,一路走好。

71. 富贵貌难变,贫贱颜易衰。——出自南北朝·吴迈远《长别离》

72. Every man has his liking。 人各有所好。

73. 曾经大嘴对着小嘴笑,曾经大脸对着小脸闹,曾经围着你蹦跳,曾经最怕你发恼,如今黑发对白发,青年对晚年,短信祝福你平安,教师节祝你新欢。

74. Every dog has his day。 凡人都有得意之日。

75. Today the winter solstice! A car filled with happiness to safe way, abandon all the troubles, let happiness be with you hug, store all warm the cold away, release the life truth, let happiness always smile on you。

76. Every time you come to mind, I realize I\'m smiling.每次想到你,我就发现自己是微笑着的。

77. 无论天涯海角,只愿你能记得我,让我的思念有个落脚的港湾!

78. Every potter praises hit pot.王婆卖瓜,自卖自夸。

79. 愿你我都是青春长空里的星星,一同撒下素洁,一同撒下恒久不的光辉。

80. 为言桃李富花实,君子盛德尤所似——《希言官舍种花》(作者:穆修

81. Early sow, early mow。 播种早的收获早。

82. 别去不劳重叹息,富贵有时君努力——《送王纯仲》(作者:章甫

83. May we enter the highest realm of love - mutual understanding, no doubt.

84. Is your beautiful, elegant pure bullets, will hit my heart deeply, let your sweet nothings and moving beautiful life in my heart, but a text message contains thousands of a wish, I wish you happy every day, happy。

85. I wish you new success in the years to come with your keen wisdom.

86. Optimistic survival, optimistic struggle, only ask for ploughing, do not ask for harvest, this is a free and easy life.

87. 世界有了您,才有了火样的热情。人生有了您,才有了壮美和绚丽。我们有了您,才有了更美好的人生。祝福老师教师节快乐,收获桃李满园!

88. The most difficult moment is perhaps the beginning of the inflection point, change the way of thinking might corner。 Be common in mind to see the world, flowers bloom is the scenery。 Good evening, friend。

89. 您无私奉献为社会造就人。您忘我工作用满腔的热忱,您执著追求用壮丽的青春,您放飞希望用闪光的语言,您实现理想用智慧的化身,教师节到了,祝天下的老师节日快乐!

90. Every why has a wherefore。 事出有因。

91. Enough is as good as a feast。 知足常乐。

92. 九月十日教师节,人类灵魂工程师,职位再高也有师,尊师重教人喜悦,浇灌花朵佩服之,腰包多鼓需知识,道声祝福您辛苦,辛勤耕耘育苗圃,传道受业和解惑。

93. 我把新世纪的祝福和希望,悄悄地放在将融的雪被下,让它们,沿着春天的秧苗生长,送给你满年的丰硕与芬芳!

94. You are not only a qualified teacher, but also a good friend, thank you for everything you do。

95. If there is a place full of warmth and care, would you like to go hand in hand with me?

96. Extremes are dangerous。 物极必反。

97. 春醒缤纷时节,最是撩人思绪。愿至深祝福时时萦绕你。

98. Every man has his weak side。 人人都有自己的弱点。

99. 您是摩天大楼的粒粒基石,您是跨江越河的座座桥墩,您是祖国建设的中流抵柱。老师,节日快乐!您是灵魂的工程师!我们永远尊敬您,热爱您!

100. 母爱是一首田园诗,悠远清净;母爱是一幅山水画,自然清新;母爱是一首歌,婉转深情。

101. 乐观是希望的明灯,它指引你从危岩峡谷中,从无边大漠中步向成功的坦途。

102. 老师是园丁,老师是母亲,这话一点也不假,陈老师就是这样一位对学生既象园丁又像母亲的人,她给我的小学生活留下了深刻而美好的记忆。

103. 讲台上,书桌旁,寒来暑往,春夏秋冬,撒下心***点点。在这个特别的日子里,我想对您说声:恩师,节日快乐!愿您在今后的日子里更加健康快乐!

104. Every man has a fool in his sleeve。 聪明一世,糊涂一时。

105. At work would like you to eat, afraid you don\'t have time for the weekend would like to invite you to dinner afraid to bother you at leisure, clockwork SMS when you eat a true dinner, although consumption is small, but friendship is priceless。

106. 有位母亲总是认为自己的儿子是个天才。即使他在做服务员时打碎了不下十个碟子,做售票员第二次出车就丢了钱夹,做邮递员时竟把别人邮寄的信件给人家全关了回去。

107. 图史虽添富,田园仅养廉——《丘监丞入新宅》(作者:释居简

108. 你的美丽、雅纯是子弹,会深深地击中我的心,让你的情话和动人在我心中一生美丽,一条短信却蕴含着我千千万万个心愿,祝你天天快乐、高兴。

109. Friends always at heart, the bosom friend is precious; The lamplight, good friends, small text messages spread good news; Hope friends see - such as people, always not forget friends heart。 Wish you a happy New Year!

110. Laugh and break up with you today, I hope you will be greeted with a smile day after day.

111. Experience is a school from which one can never graduate。 经验无止境。

112. Exercise is the source of health and the secret of longevity. I hope you exercise every day to prolong your life.

113. Every man is the architect of his own fortune.自己的命运自己掌握。

114. Night after night I dream of you, I think, I must have entered the your dreams, let us in the same weave missing under the stars! Good night, I wish good dream tonight!

115. 您像一只蜡烛,为学生献出了所有的光和热!您的品格和精神,可以用两个字概括,那就是燃烧!

116. 心里永远的老师,虽然我们现在不在一起了,但我相信,我们的心是相连的。我不是您最出色的学生,而您却永远是我最崇敬、最爱的老师。在教师节即将来临之际,您的学生祝愿您和全天下所有的老师身体安康!工作顺利!家庭幸福美满!

117. Envy has no holidays.忌妒之人无宁日。

118. Everything is good in its season。 万物逢时皆美好。

119. Every man has his hobbyhorse。萝卜青菜,各有所爱。

120. Along the way, accompany me with joy, accompany me with worry, this sincere friendship, I will cherish for life.

121. 关注《正能量》这本书,起初是因为它的名字。不清楚是书名成就了这本书,还是这本书掀起了一股“正能量”的热潮,总之“正能量”已经悄悄地成为了年度热词。

122. Wish you happy New Year! New Year new look! New Year new mood! New Year new start! New Year new luck! New made together wish you, everything always satisfied, money away!

123. 友情是装在瓶里的佳酿,无色无味,多年后开启溢出的是那浓浓的情。

124. 衷心道声谢谢,用我所有的真诚。

125. 选择了教育,就是选择对情感的珍视;选择了教育,就是选择对万物的眷恋;选择了教育,就是选择高远的人生志向。提前祝你教师节快乐!

126. Separation, tears become a message, you said: this tear can be condensed into pearls, become a permanent memory.

127. Experience is the father of wisdom and memory the mother.经验是智慧之父,记忆是智慧之母。

128. Friendship is a tranquilizer and a stimulant; friendship is a beacon in the sea and an oasis in the desert.

129. Every brave man is a man of his word。 勇敢的人都是信守诺言的人。

130. Every man has his faults。 人孰无过。

131. 你是我最深的思念,你是我无尽的挂牵,让风儿捎上我的祝福;让云儿带上我的问候:愿你度过一个幸福快乐的新年!

132. Green tea, or thin or thick, fragrance retention hearts; Distance, or far or near, the truth never becomes shallow; Blessing, sooner or later, pass my desire: the weekend, you would like to forget the worry, have a good rest!

133. Every bird likes its own nest。 人爱其家。

134. We like you, young teachers, wishes you a happy holiday! Teachings such as spring breeze, ShiEn deep as the sea。

135. Every cloud has a silver lining。 山穷水尽疑无路,柳暗花明又一村。

136. 亲爱的老师,您就象那春天的细雨,滋润着我们的心田。您给予我们的爱和关怀将鼓舞着我们走过艰难困苦。

137. The silver wave is the note, the sail is the word, bless you to be carefree, take advantage of the wind and waves, and open up great expectations.

138. Every dog has his day.谁都有得意的时候。

139. 小雨声使我感觉温柔肃穆和平,而又缠绵弥漫无尽。中雨声使我感到活泼跳荡滋润,似乎能带来某种新的转机、新的希望。大雨声使我壮怀激烈,威严和**呼唤着豪情。

140. In this blooming spring and beautiful days, I wish you a better career.

141. The wind, let it take away the worries of the earth; The rain, let it wash away the sadness of the sky; The weekend, wish you unload the exhaustion of a week。 Enjoy life, happy weekend!

142. 读不懂父母就不知道什么是亲情,读不懂老师就不知道什么是无私。老师,您是世界上最无私的人,也是我最感激的人!祝您节日快乐!

143. 自从我上小学以来,有好几位老师教过我,但在我心目中,最难以忘怀的就是既教给我知识,又教会我做人的——张老师。

144. 愿我们讲同开辟一块爱的土壤,让希望的种子结出现实的甜果。

145. 不计较你在我身边还是距离遥远,一声问候送去我的祝愿,愿你平安!

146. Example is better than precept。 言教不如身教。


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