

首页祝福语更新时间:2024-09-12 06:47:46

1. 情缘驻我心,相思比梦长。祝你生日快乐!生命中的每一天永远青春靓丽!

2. Happy birthday to my husband. Time elapse so quickly, but my love for you grows fonder. I want to tell you on this special day that your love makes my life complete.

3. I sincerely feel a grateful interest in each return of this happy anniversary. Send you a birthday card and the accompanying gift is a token of my best wishes for your success and happiness.

4. 现在生日不送礼,写句祝福送给你,你嫌礼,再把我也往上凑。祝你生日快乐!

5. I do notfeel that my mind is flying, and my eyes are like smoke in a moment! Happy birthday!

6. →浅忘前年锁眉事,数枝寒梅事业心。深追此行欢聚情,岁增好运尽孝心!生日快乐!

7. →万水千山阻隔我们相见,却阻断不了姐妹彼此挂牵;风风雨雨冲淡岁月痕迹,却冲淡不了姐妹情谊。姐妹日到了,愿姐妹:心宽体健,快乐无边,幸福永远,好运万年!生日快乐!

8. Send you a warm, two greetings, three beautiful, four ignorant, five noble, six prospects, seven elegant, eight tender, nine fortune, ten sincere. Happy birthday!

9. →每一个人,都有属于他自己的时刻,回首过去,展望未来,接受祝福,期待明天的路;神圣的时刻,祝你永远都一切顺心。祝你生日快乐,日子没烦恼!

10. No matter how many greetings you have received, I still offer my sincerest wishes: Happy life, happy birthday!

11. When everything cannot go back to the past, we can only look forward, go forward, and be good to ourselves.

12. →克隆一个平安给你,愿你健康一辈子:克隆一个快乐给你,将快乐分你一份:克隆一个我给你,让我永久陪你:克隆一份祝福给你,祝你生日快乐!

13. →闭上眼是你灿烂的笑脸,睁开眼是你温柔的眼眸,想你是我最快乐的时光,没有你的靓影缠绕在我心上,我神情沮丧;亲爱的,嫁给我吧,看在我那么爱你的份上!生日快乐!

14. 衷心感谢您,我孩子的恩师。

15. May choose the most difficult way, I hope you can give yourself an account of everything. Happy 19th birthday!

16. On your birthday, I only hope you can have a happy, healthy and beautiful birthday!

17. Wishing you a wonderful birthday. You make this world a nicer place just by being so kindhearted. May this day that is all your own hold happiness for you and the years to come be filled with all the best things, too.

18. Long time, in a flash, this is our fifth birthday together, I hope my husband is still handsome and elegant in the future. I wish you a happy birthday and progress in your career!

19. You are still young and beautiful in my calendar and the extra year seems indeed to have improved your looks. Happy Birthday to you!

20. 愿我们的友谊如同太阳与大地的结合一样自然,一样自由,一样充满生机。

21. Happy birthday with my warm affection and loving thought of you. May your days be bright with dreams come true and filled with favorite memories.

22. Together, we have enjoyed each other's happiness and sorrow, and we have accompanied each other through the most difficult days.

23. Wishing you && glad days filled with friendliness, bright days filled with cheer, warm days filled with happiness to last throughout the year! Have a wonderful brithday.

24. I wish you a happy birthday and everything you want to achieve.

25. →看完这条消息,许个心愿,满天的星都想看到你的笑脸;悠悠的云里有淡淡的思念,淡淡的思念里有我绵绵的祝愿,愿你生日快乐,微笑生活每一天!

26. My special wish may bring you health, luck and happiness each minute! Hope it really proves to be the nicest birthday you have spent.

27. Wish you a whole world of happiness now that your birthday is here. May your memories today be warm ones. May your dreams today be dear. may your joy last through the year.

28. 这是郁金香的日子,也是你的日子。愿你年年这一天吉祥如意,芬芳馥郁!

29. 今天我闺蜜生日!闺蜜,我就你这个知心朋友,祝你开心!

30. rarr;像您这样可爱的姨, 为祝贺您的生日, 应当一遍、两遍把您抱起,然后再来个生日的吻礼。祝您生日格外快乐!

31. 愿你们事事如愿,美满幸福。

32. Read this message, make a wish, all over the sky star, all want to see your smiling face; There are long clouds hint of yearning, flow there are my wishes, continuous, wish you a happy birthday, smile to life every day!

33. Happy, you are like my shadow, accompany me through many spring, summer, autumn and winter. Happiness, you are everywhere, the world is full of your breath. Happy birthday to myself!

34. →今日悉为足下千秋令旦,谓大佳辰,恭惟鹤寿频添,起居日丽。

35. →学会爱自己宠自己,把更多的机会留给自己。

36. 但愿真正的快乐拥抱着你,在这属于你的特别的一天,公司祝你生日快乐!

37. I am very glad that in the best years of my life, many wonderful things have been shared with you. I hope we can share happiness and sorrow in this way until we are old. Happy birthday to the best of you!

38. 青春的树越长赵葱茏,生命的花就越长越艳丽。在你生日的这一天,请接受我对你深深的祝福。

39. 一直以来有句话想对你说,但苦于没有机会,今天我终于鼓起勇气……生日快乐!

40. 公司所有同事祈望你心灵深处芳草永绿,青春常驻,笑口常开。祝你生日快乐,健康幸福!

41. 今天是你的生日,祝你生日快乐,万事如意,幸福长久!

42. 孩子,愿你快快脱去幼稚和娇嫩,扬起创造的风帆,驶向成熟,驶向金色的海岸。

43. rarr;奶奶是充满祝福的阳光,照耀我身;奶奶是慈祥和蔼的别名,爱的象征。愿您的生日特别快乐!

44. May the blessings linger with you, in your colorful journey of life, in your dream of forever bordering on spring.

45. 希望平安夜祝福给你带来欢乐,我的好朋友。

46. rarr;愿你每个生日都使生命更加亮丽,祝生日无比美好、快乐!

47. →中文很经典,因为可以把你的微笑装裱,英文很浪漫,因为可以把你的快乐朗诵,阿拉伯文很精准,可以把你的生日计算进我的记忆,祝你生日快乐!

48. May your life brighter as each birthday comes and goes. The nicest kind of birthday that could be wishes for you.

49. 当流星划过一道流彩,生日烛光里,快乐平安将记载你生命的流年!

50. →再不努力,明年的今天还是我的生日!

51. A wish for your wonderful birthday that brings a world of bright and lovely things to remember each day through the year.

52. 您就像我们的家长,我们都敬爱您。

53. 新的一年,向你献上最诚挚的祝福。

54. 愿我虔诚的祝福,带给你成功的一年,祝你生日快乐!

55. →祝你生日健康愉快,祝你天天健康愉快,愿你一切愿望都能实现!

56. Happy birthday! May all your moments be filled with joy on this special day.

57. 愿你天天开心,就是我最大的期盼,祝福我的挚友生日快乐、开心永远!

58. Risheng happy life: beautiful scenery, born. Japan: Unforgettable today, falling from the sky. Fast: time travel, one year old. Le: every year, every wish comes true. Wish: happy birthday, everything is perfect!

59. →在祝我快乐的、漂亮的、热情奔放的、健康自信的、充满活力的朋友,生日快乐!愿你用你的欢声笑语,热诚地感染你的伙伴们!

60. rarr;祝福一位美丽迷人,聪明大方,成熟端庄,又倍受赞叹的妙人儿,生日快乐。

61. →爸爸,在这特殊的日子里,所有的祝福都带着我们的爱,拥挤在您的酒杯里,红红的,深深的,直到心底!生日快乐!

62. Many stars, long guns and short guns; three-dimensional bombing, creating mood; lighting dance, a lot; happiness, embrace with you. Today you are the protagonist, you are the most beautiful! Happy birthday! have one is star in the ascendant!

63. My heartiest birthday greetings to you, a feeling much warmer than anybody can know. Best wishes for everything your heart desire in the year.

64. 愿我的祝福,如一缕灿烂的阳光,在您的眼里流淌,生日快乐!

65. A gentle wish is better than a thousand words. When the bell rings on your birthday, don't forget my wishes. Happy birthday to you!

66. Close your eyes is your bright smile, open your eyes is your gentle eyes, think you are my happiest time, without your beautiful shadow wrapped in my heart, I look depressed; dear, marry me, see in my love you! Happy birthday!

67. rarr;送上一份生日礼物,它是我内心深处的是生日祝福,祝你生日快乐,岁岁平安!

68. 祈愿您心灵深处,好花常开,好景常在,好运永远盈满胸怀!生日快乐!

69. Like everyday, I am thinking of you with love on your birthday!


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