

首页祝福语更新时间:2024-11-17 05:16:30

1. 你是我的姐妹,你是我的宝贝,不管相隔多远,我都一直珍惜这份感情。记得你的好,记得你的可爱,记得你的任性,记得我们在一起时最美好的.时光!生日快乐!

2. I often think that when you grow up and see what you looked like when you were a child, do you think you are particularly cute. I often think, if you can, let mom and dad always keep you by our side! Happy birthday!

3. 日子悠然,父爱默然,缘份天然,孝心自然,有时漠然,内心了然,有时淡然,今朝必然,节日灿然,祝福诚然,尽孝欣然,愿父怡然!

4. 今年有一个词,专为父亲而定,那叫坚强;有一种情,只有大海可以代表,那叫父爱;有一种感动,只为父亲而动容,那叫胸怀。在父亲生日之际,祝父亲幸福安康!

5. →我没有五彩缤纷的鲜花,没有那些浪漫的诗句,没有贵那些重的礼物,没有那些兴奋的惊喜,只有一个轻轻的祝福,祝你生日快乐!

6. 如果爱可以重来我会自私一下,放弃你。

7. In the beautiful spring season, your birthday is coming quietly. May you like the green leaves of that tree, relax your happy mood in the morning breeze and enjoy a happy life in the spring! Happy birthday, peace is blessing!

8. 女为悦己者容男为悦己者穷!

9. 小时候,爸爸是我的巨人,坐在他的肩头,我看得很高很远。长大后,我是爸爸的依靠,扶着他的双臂,我感到很温暖很自豪。父亲,生日快乐!

10. 愿快乐永远属于你,祝你生日快乐!

11. Inthenextlife,Iwillmakeonions.Ifanyonedarestobullyme,Iwillmakeanyonecry.

12. 都是涐太天真,以为只要用心别人都会用心交心。

13. Iamnotasmatureasyouwant,Iwilllearntoseethroughslowly.

14. 爸爸给我们东西时,我们笑了;我们给爸爸东西时,爸爸哭了。时光稍纵即逝,我长大了;生日来临之时,愿生日快乐!

15. 女友一说想我,我就知道她又饿了。

16. As time goes by, the beauty remains. I just want to prove that I am really good without you.

17. 我没有想太多、只是简简单单的了解。

18. 以后要好久都见不到你了,我怕我会控制不住的想你。

19. Ioftenbreakintoyourworldfeelinggoodaboutmyself.

20. →愿你每个生日都使生命更加亮丽,祝生日无比美好、快乐!

21. →妈妈,生日快乐! 真希望能有语言能表达我们的谢意,感谢你每日操持家务及给予我们的帮助。愿你在未来的岁月中永远快乐健康!

22. A climber who aspires to the summit will not be intoxicated with some footprint along the way.

23. Mayyourlovesoaronthewingsofaflyingdove.

24. 希望长大一岁的你更成熟,更顺利,更成功。

25. How many people, like me, are dying to think of her who has disappeared into reality.

26. 我讨厌的事实是,你说你想我,但你却什么都不做。

27. 我要让全世界人都知道我爱你,爱的那么刻骨铭心。

28. 有一种成功叫细节,有一种策略叫忍让,有一种恋叫暗恋。

29. →每个生日都有祝福,每句祝福都是礼物,每个礼物都有惊喜,每个惊喜都是人生,每种人生都有记忆,愿你每段记忆都精彩绝伦!祝你生日快乐!

30. 愿我来世,心似琉璃,内外明澈,净无瑕秽。

31. 知道我为什么会很开心吗?因为伤心的事情太多了。

32. →儿时老槐树还在记忆中挺立,忘不了手拉手过家家,散落一地的桃花,漫天飞舞着我衷心的愿望,在你又一个生日到来,祝永远幸福安康!

33. 每当你不在的时候,我会感觉到丢失了你,会歇斯底里的想念你。

34. 钱不是问题,问题是没钱!

35. 用满身的伤,和你做了一笔交易,换取刻骨的温暖。

36. 祝你平安喜乐,愿你万事胜意,一切都比你想象中的好一点。做你想做的事。生日快乐!

37. 在你心底的角落,永远有个我,放在最暖的心窝。带我去看烟火和那美丽的花朵,从不舍得让我难过,即使再累再苦,你也不说。你,就是我最爱的爸爸。父亲生日快乐哟!

38. I do notwant to lose all the memories of spring breeze, summer rain, autumn frost and winter snow, and I wo not forget our gossips on the way of life! Happy birthday!

39. 伤害你的是你最在乎的,你伤害的是最在乎你的。

40. Ifoneday,Isuddenlyquiet,youalsocometotheedgeofregret.

41. IlovethepersonIlove,takegoodcareofthepersonIlove.

42. Hope to walk through the future hand in hand, whether it is flower paving, or thorns everywhere, never leave, love each other, I will always be with you around! Happy birthday to my dear!

43. →我不愿失去春风、夏雨、秋霜、冬雪的一切记忆,更不会忘掉在人生路上我们絮絮的笑语!生日快乐!

44. As long as it\'s the end of the comedy, you can make me cry.

45. Ifyoucan\'tletgoofthepast,don\'texpectabetterfuture.

46. →今天是你生日,我为你做了一碗长寿面,每根面条里都有一份快乐,最后浇上开心的汤汁放上幸福的煎蛋。愿你吃在嘴里,美在心里。生日快乐!

47. Thosewholiketheevidence,hasbeenunabletotakeaway,buthasbeenforgottenforalongtime.

48. 知道今天是什么日子吗?今天是你的'生日,怎么不相信吗?马上你就明白了,往下看,往下看再往下看,好了,一个听话的傻瓜诞生了。生日快乐。

49. 祝愿姐妹俩一生交好运,万事皆如意。生日快乐!

50. 我一次次恳求你的原谅,你却这样对我置之不理。

51. Hate Jun is not like Jianglou Yue, north, south, West and east, only with each other.

52. Ifyoustilllikeyoutoday,wouldyoubelieveit?

53. I wish myself a happy birthday, and thank those who work early and late to wish me a happy birthday!

54. Love should enrich people\'s sense of power, and love is enriching people.

55. 还是孩子,何必把一切都看得那么透。

56. If you shed tears, it is always my face that is wet; if you are sad, it is always me that cries.

57. 祝我亲爱的姐妹,打扮自己靓靓滴,心情保持美美滴,幸福生活甜甜滴,日子过滴晕晕滴,财源滚滚旺旺滴。

58. →一年一年,是岁月流过的痕迹。一天一天,是幸福快乐的水滴。一点一点,是回忆留下的足迹。一句一句,都在唱着歌儿:我祝你生日快乐!

59. Those who praise you are strong are those who don\'t know you, and those who know you will say, "Don\'t push hard."

60. HateJunisnotlikeJianglouYue,north,south,Westandeast,onlywitheachother.

61. 如果有一天,我突然安静了,你也走到了后悔的边缘。

62. You have many sisters, not one of them is missing, but I am the only one who is good to you!

63. years old! Although this is a different day, you have entered the ranks of adults. Please allow me to accompany you with my best wishes. Happy 18th birthday!

64. 初为人父,有点痛苦:一天N次,要洗尿布;手抱孩子,小心呵护;哈欠连天,也得挺住;管吃管睡,殷勤服务;莫嫌太累,也别吃醋。父亲,生日快乐,愿你幸福!

65. 祝福你拥有一个甜蜜温馨、快快乐乐的生日,快乐永存在。

66. 真正的爱情不是一时好感,而是我知道遇到你不容易,错过了会很可惜。

67. 伤过、哭过后,发现自己承受能力变强了!

68. Happy Birthday to you, my best friend and classmate!

69. 喜欢简单美好的图画,干净质朴的文字,浅唱低吟的旋律。

70. Maybe you are not born for me, but I am lucky to be with you. Maybe it is a blessing from my previous life. I will cherish it! May I light your birthday candle every year in my life! Happy birthday, wife!

71. In your birthday this day, the rising sun, shine your life fortune; Peace of white clouds, the wind sent to you forever; All over the sky sunset glow, weave up your life choi jin; I use the most beautiful wish I wish you a happy birthday!

72. Year by year is the trace of years. Every day is a happy drop of water. Little by little, it is the footprints left by memories. Sentence by sentence, are singing: I wish you a happy birthday!

73. Everyone lives in the heart of a person, or cherish, or secretly love, or miss.

74. 我不是蜡笔小新,不可能天天那么开心。

75. 叹息著谁又被伤了心,却还不清醒。

76. Loveisamatteroftwopeople.Idon\'tlikeyoursuspicion.

77. 脂肪啊,你怎么对我总是这么不离不弃呢。

78. 所谓坚强,就是放弃时不放弃,该哭时不哭泣。

79. →宝贝!你的到来,让我明白所做一切都是那么有价值,是你给了我生命的希望,生日到来,妈妈祝你生日快乐!快快乐乐长大!

80. Thestrongwindwakesupthestrongliquor,onlytoknowthatallthegoodthingswehadweredreams.

81. We are all very well, but the time is not coincidental, the rest of our lives are well.

82. Inthisage,wecanaskforeverything,butwecan\'taskforfaces.

83. There are many passers-by in life. Everyone has their own destination. Others go east, west, South and north, and I come to you.

84. →祈愿你心灵深处,好花常开,好景常在,好运永远盈满胸怀!生日快乐!

85. Aclimberwhoaspirestothesummitwillnotbeintoxicatedwithsomefootprintalongtheway.

86. 您的严厉是爱的表现,您的批评是爱的展示,您的教导是爱的基础,您的和蔼是爱的升华,父亲生日到了,爸爸我爱您,愿您健康快乐,万事如意。

87. Say you love me, will it become once?

88. 现在的我一切都好,我学会了照顾自己,也学会了如何生活,只是依旧放不下的是对您的牵挂,我永远爱你,马上就要到老爸的生日了,祝您生日快乐!

89. Those who like the evidence, has been unable to take away, but has been forgotten for a long time.

90. Some people prefer to lose forever, some people prefer to remember forever.

91. 在漫天风沙里望着你远去,我竟悲伤的不能自已。

92. 再不疯狂我们就老了,再不复习中考就完了。

93. Meteor across the sky, untied the gift of silver ribbon, happiness is in it, the sky dark blue card, write my wishes, happiness is flashing, friends, I hope you like the sunny I sent, I wish you a happy birthday!

94. 在你生日的这一天,将快乐的音符,作为礼物送给你,愿您拥有个美丽的日子,衷心地祝福你,生日快乐!

95. →慢慢试着学会低调,不去显摆自己过的有多么好或者不好,生活是自己过的,祝自己生日快乐,22岁的我依旧快乐!

96. May my birthday be accompanied by happiness and joy, from sunrise to sunset?

97. 告白最坏的结果不是被拒绝,而是从此失去了一个朋友。

98. 只要谁喜欢得多一点,谁就容易让步,因为够爱。

99. Let us continue to love the generosity and prosperity of life, even if the years deceive each other with harshness and desolation.

100. 所谓白头到老,没什么秘诀。只是在相爱时,存下点感动,在冷战时,懂一些感恩。

101. →岁月不饶人,就这样又老了一岁,祝自己生日快乐!希望依旧平淡简单开心就好!

102. I met you not because I wanted to be in love, but because I met you, I had the idea of love.


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