In recent years, tourism has been popular and played an important role in our nation’s economic growth. However, I am afraid that if tourism develops over, it will bring harm to the environment and give rise to many problems.
There are a few reasons accounting for my views and I would like to list three of them. One of the examples is that a large number of woods and other plants were replaced by all kinds of accommodation facilities or scenic spots. That definitely breaks the ecological balance of these areas and destroys the natural beauty of the scenic spots. Worse still, more pressure has been placed environment protection in that many tourists left their garbage in the scenic spots. In addition, over-developed tourism will occupy large numbers of farmland and lead to the shortage of the land.
In a word, tourism will be harmful to our environment if it is over development. Thus, I do not advocate that we development tourism without considering the environment. And we should keep the balance between tourism development and environment protection so that we can achieve the sustainable development between our nation’s economy and the environment.
一年来,学校各方面工作取得了可喜成绩。我们携手中国教育第一学府, 和清华大学结为手拉手学校:
我们迎来了来自大洋彼岸的客人——美国康州教育 局长保罗先生一行到校友好访问,迎来了日照教师参观团参观考察;我们承办了 临沂市小学数学优质课评比活动, 代表沂南县迎接了全市关工委调研活动受到高 度评价,代表“两新”组织成功举办了全县党建工作现场会:我校被评为“全国 五星级红军小学”,县委书记刘淑秀同志亲自参加颁奖仪式;我校的各项管理工 作在全县学校管理观摩现场会上,受到与会校长们的高度评价;我校的原创乐舞 诗《沂蒙飞歌》获得山东省第二届“齐鲁情”才艺大赛一等奖;以xx、xx、 xx等为代表的同学们,屡获省市级、演讲、奥数比赛一等奖。
一年来,我们搞改革,寻出路,谋发展。我们把改革作为学校发展的唯一出 路,通过打造自主课堂,开展自主学习,让课改来引领学生的发展。我们构建起 了课改推进体系,从制度建设入手,将学校管理工作分成级部和学科两条线,实 行双线管理,有力地保障了课改的顺利进行;我们还建立起了课改运行机制,从 统一思想、大胆实践、反思提升三方面全力推进。令我们高兴的是,学生们已深 深地喜欢上了自主课堂,自主课堂,培养持续学习的能力,自主课堂,涣发出了 孩子们无穷的发展潜力。在新的一年里,课改仍是我们的工作主旋律,相信,我 们的改革一定能取得伟大的胜利! 各位家长,寒假是孩子熟悉社会、了解社会、学习做人的好机会,是父母对 孩子进行家庭教育的最好时机。为了让您的孩子度过一个“安全、健康、实践、 发展”的假期,请您注意做好以下工作:
1、开展“孝敬长辈、体验亲情”感恩教育实践活动,做到“五个一”:向长 辈拜一次年;对父母说一句感谢的话;给老师及长辈发一条祝福的短信;帮父母 彻底打扫一次家庭卫生;参加一次社会公益活动;
This summer my sister and I follow my mother to travel to the United States, we went to the three cities and one island, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Las Vegas, and Hawaii.
Hawaii is my favorite, although only two days, but I went to the beach for several times, is the famous waikiki beach, listening to the tour guide said where the sand came from Australia, where the water is clear, the sand is very clean, when I was in the sea waves to see the small fish, I also into base sand castle on the sand beach, made apple mould sand, crabs, bottle gourd, the shape of a fish, I also want to go to the seaside.
Last year, I went to Guang Zhou in the summer vacation. I felt so excited, it took me about four hours to get there. In the daytime, the air was so stuffy and the sun was so hot, so my friends and I decided to take a rest in the hotel. When the sun almost got down, we started to go on the street, the first thing was to find something to eat. There were so many delicious snacks, we had no idea which to eat, so we planed to eat as much as we could. I found myself couldn’t stop eating, the food was tasted. After we finishing eating, we started to go shopping.Guang Zhou is famous for the foreign trade, its clothes are fashionable and cheap. We went to the shopping street, trying on all kinds of clothes, at last, we bought many clothes. This trip is so unforgettable to me.去年暑假,我去广州旅游。我感到很兴奋,我花了大约四个小时到那里。白天,空气很闷,太阳很大,所以我的朋友和我决定去旅馆休息。当太阳将要下山了,我们开始逛街,第一件事就是找东西吃。街上有很多美味的小吃,我们不知道吃什么好,因此我们计划尽可能多吃。我无法停止下来,食物太美味了。吃完以后,我们开始购物,广州的外贸很出名,衣服时尚,价格便宜。我们去了购物街,试了各种各样的衣服,最后,我们买了很多衣服。这趟旅程对我来说是很难忘的。
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