

首页大全更新时间:2024-09-29 17:28:24


Dear Wang Jun,

I am delightcd to learn that you are going to visit me during the coming summer holidays. My parents will also be happy to see you a gain I am sure you will enjoy every minute here. I know you are fond of swimming. A river lies not far away from my home. We can go swimming there. I think it would be very pleasant and refreshing to swim in such hot days. In every big room of my home there is an air-conditioner, so we cars also watch TV, play VCDs or read books very eorafortably at home. A mountain about two miles away form here is beautiful and there fore is worth touring. We can go there on foot. When we climb to the top of the mountain, we can have a wonderful bird\'s-eye view of the whole village. Just phone me before you set off. There is no need for you to take anything. I\'ll prepare everything for you. I am looking forward to seeing you soon.


Zhang Ying


Dear Dad,

Long time no see, I do miss you. Well, let me tell you something about my life here.To tell the truth, i live a normal life just as anywhere i can live.(我过着一个在任何地方都普通的生活 My life is revolved on work and work.(我的生活除了学习还是学习Frankly,i feel tired sometimes(老实说,我有时候觉得很累.But i see, studying is the whole life to students like me.(但是我知道,学习是像我这样的学生的全部 So no matter how difficult, i will do my utmost .所以不管多艰难,我都会尽自己最大的努力。

Best wishes for you .


When I was in high school, there was a teacher who taught me more than that in was a very kind boy, 4 or 5 years older than us and taught us geography. We all liked to take his class, though geography was not our major course.

What impressed me a lot was his could see him always got angry only when we were too noisy in class,he often played soccer with used to be a very believable defender and never fouled on any of us.

We all liked to call him "Teacher Miao" and he was just like a friend, not a sonsy personality inspired me to be kind to everyone I was my well-beloved "Teacher Miao".


前情提要:炒菜”cook the meaIs”倒垃圾“empti the trash”


老师,全班同学齐读:“sweep the floor!”(扫地)(有杂音,有杂音!)

老师,全班同学齐读:“wayer the flowers!”(浇花)(有杂音,有杂音!)

同学1:“ I’can sweep the follr!”(我会扫地)

老师:“He’s helpfu!”(你有用)

老师:“齐读!wayer the flowers!“

同学XXXX+大声音最大:“wayer the floor!!!!”(浇地...)






刘爽对我们说:“我学会了个新单词!sweep the flowers!!!”(扫花) 我超级晕...

我对同桌说:“刘爽又发明了新单词!cook the trash!(炒垃圾)empty the Liushuang(倒刘爽)!!!!”


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