

首页大全更新时间:2023-09-02 22:39:03


last weekend we went to the countryside to have a picnic.we took several sandwiches and some bottles of water with us for lunch. of course we didn't forget to take some fruit and we even took some tomatoes and cucumbers.

we left home quite early in order to avoid the traffic jam.about two hours later, we came to a nice place. it was near a river. we put our bicycles under the trees and went swimming. it was a very hot day. the water was very refreshing.

after having a swim, we had lunch in the cool shade under the trees. then we went for a walk. we didn't come back home until the night fell.




it took us about two hours by bike to get to the nice place in the countryside. there was a rive there. the water was clean and it was a good place to swim. we threw our bikes on the ground

and jumped into the water. it was hot, but the water made us refreshed. after we swam around:'the river, we were tired.

we took out the sandwiches and water, and had our picnic in the shade under the trees. the most popular food are sausages and tomatoes.

after lunch we took a walk. there we saw many beautiful flowers and GREen grass. we smelled sweet air. how nice the picnic was!







I walked down my street with my dad. The sun shone on Mrs. Stokes, watering her potted plants. 我和爸爸沿着我们的街道走,太阳照到了斯托克斯太太身上,她正给她的盆栽植物浇水。

“Hello, Mrs. Stokes,” I called loudly. “I’ll water those plants for you.” “你好,斯托克斯太太!”我大声喊,“我来给您浇花吧。”

Mrs. Stokes smiled. I watered her potted plant. My dad pulled out some weeds. People like to help each other on our street. 斯托斯太太微笑了,我给她的盆栽植物浇了水,爸爸把一些杂草拔了出来。这条街道上,人们很乐意帮助他人。

I walked on with my dad. The sun shone on Hope and her mom. They were singing for the people who went by. 我跟我爸爸继续走着。太阳照到了浩波和她妈妈身上,她们正为路过的`人们唱歌。

We liked their songs. My dad dropped some money in a hat beside them. Hope smiled. 我们喜欢她们的歌。爸爸在她们旁边的一顶帽子里面放了点钱,浩波微笑了。

I walked on with my dad. The sun shone on a man and his brown dog. The dog wagged its tail. 我跟爸爸继续走着。太阳照在一位男人和他的棕色狗身上。狗摇着尾巴。

“Can I take Arthur for a walk for you, Mr. Rose?” I asked. “罗丝先生,我帮您把亚瑟带出去遛一遛,行吗?”我问。

“Thank you,” he said. “I’ll have a rest.” “谢谢你,”他说,“我打算休息一会儿。

” I walked on with my dad. The sun shone on the buds bursting on the trees. I was happy. 我跟爸爸继续走着。太阳照在树上蓦然生出的嫩芽上,我很喜欢。

Mrs. Stoke’s plants were watered. Hope and her mom were singing for the people who went by. Mr. Rose was resting. 斯托克斯太太的植物已经把水浇过了。浩波和她妈妈在为从那儿经过的人们唱歌。罗丝先生正在那儿休息。

I was going to the city park to play with dad and Arthur. I love where I live. 我跟爸爸正要到城市公园去和亚瑟玩。我爱我居住的地方。




It was a sunny day. We decided to have a picnic outside the city. In the morning, we took an early bus to Nanhui. It was quite a colorful world. there were GREen trees, orange leaves,red peach blossoms.

At noon, we reached the place, we sat by the river bank and took out a lot of things, such as bread, orange juice, apples, cakes, eggs and so on.But all of a sudden, it began to rain. Unluckily there was no shelter nearby. We had to take a bus to go back home in a hurry.

What an unforgettable picnic it was!




Expert tips on how to prevent avian influenza H7N9 collated by current argument data dictionary


1 usually strengthen physical exercise, rest more, avoid excessive overworked, do not smoke, wash their hands; pay attention to personal hygiene, when sneezing or coughing and cover your nose and mouth.

2.保持室内清洁,使用消毒液清洗的地毯,避免使用难以清洗的地毯,保持地面、天花板、家具及墙壁清洁,确保排水道通畅;保持室内空气流通,应每天开窗换气两次,每次至少10分钟,或使用抽气扇保持空气流通;尽量少去 空气不流通的场所。

2 keep the room clean, use disinfectant cleaning carpets, avoid the use of hard to clean the carpet, keep the floor, ceiling, furniture and walls clean, to ensure smooth drainage channel; maintains the indoor air circulation, ventilation windows should be at least two times a day, 10 minutes each time, or use a fan to keep air circulation; as little as possible to airless places.


3, pay attention to food hygiene, eating meat, eggs should be thoroughly cooked, processing, preservation of food to the attention of raw, cooked separately; develop good health habits, good kitchen hygiene, do not eat raw poultry meat and offal. Anatomy of living (dead to wash hands thoroughly, livestock and poultry products.


At the same time, when the outdoor hand-washing is not convenient, can use hand sanitizer, carry whenever and wherever possible, isolate the pathogen, take care of your health.


4 found in the epidemic, should avoid contact with poultry; the public especially children should avoid close contact with poultry and wild birds.


5 pay attention to disinfection and living appliances. Avian influenza viruses do not heat, 100 ° C, one minute can be inact


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